Woman Lives As a Baby– – IOTW Report

16 Comments on Woman Lives As a Baby–

  1. Nice to see she draws the line and only pees in her diaper. Let me guess, it would be some sort of hate crime to blow the fantasy and get her some much needed help.

  2. Though sometimes not apparent, there’s a difference between “evil” and “imbecility.”
    I know we’re “educated” to believe that evil doesn’t exist, but it does – and it manifests itself in the demonstrations of the mental illnesses which we, as a society, fail to recognize. This is one; “transgender” is another; “izlam is a religion” is another; “gov’t shows compassion” is another; HRC’s candidacy is still another …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. SineWavell,
    “The next thing you know adult “babies” will be demanding their own public changing rooms.”

    They’re already in place. They’re called “Muslim Foot Washing Rooms”. Just send one of the adult babies (now THERE’S an oxymoron) in there. Let hilarity ensue. (Ain’t I a stinker?)

  4. @Tim — Great point. I often think of the NT passages in which Jesus drives out ‘demons.’ Just about everyone had some kind of demon or another, often several. This ‘baby’ girl, for example, probably has a demon of self-indulgence, self-centeredness, and selfishness in general. In the extreme. We look at this sort of thing and think ‘mental illness’ but that would let these people, too easily, off the hook for their self-centered behavior. I see a person who doesn’t want to grow up and take care of herself — or anyone/thing else. This girl would let a goldfish starve or a potted plant wither. Parents are crippling their children by not making them be a productive part of the family. Every Saturday at 6 a.m. my grandad fed us a seven course breakfast and then proceeded to work every calorie off us for the next 6-7 hours! (It was a farm/ranch)

  5. No big deal. My sister in law is a tenured professor, has a phd and still believes that Democrats brought about the end of slavery and segregation.

    Can justify mooching off of others for a month at a time. She believes that she is always the victim.

    And insists on telling everyone how they should change in order to fit her utopia.

    Consequently she is never happpy. Hmmmmm.

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