Jeb Bush’s Son Endorses Donald Trump- Please Clap – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush’s Son Endorses Donald Trump- Please Clap

Daily Mail-

George Prescott Bush, 40, the current Land Commissioner for Texas, called on Republican voters to come together and fall in line behind Trump during a GOP event on Saturday.

‘I know a lot of us in this room had dogs in the fight in the primary, leading up to to the race, but you know what, it’s time to put that aside,’ he said, the Texas Tribune reports.

‘From Team Bush, it’s a bitter pill to swallow, but you know what? You get back up and you help the man that won, and you make sure that we stop Hillary Clinton.’

Bush, as the state’s victory chairman, has the job of organizing the party’s campaign in November.

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15 Comments on Jeb Bush’s Son Endorses Donald Trump- Please Clap

  1. Not sure how it happened but he is in practice a small government conservative and has cut a lot of the jobs in the land office since taking over. He clearly has a political future in mind. And he just showed Ted Cruz, Kasich, Jeb Bush, et al how you endorse someone and unify without selling out your values for the good of the country.

  2. Both elder Georges have benefitted the greatest from the Republican party support over decades, but have yet to endorse the party’s candidate. They have tarnished and betrayed those who put them where and were they are today (in the lap of luxury).

    The youngest George Bush, who still has much to gain, has endorsed Trump.

    Opportunistic move or a principled action?

    Given the actions of both elder Georges and Jeb, I suspect opportunistic strategy for the future of Junior George.

  3. He looked into the past and saw the Republicans that worked against Goldwater become pariahs. He also saw the one national R at the time that campaigned for Goldwater go on to become president.

    I think W not coming to the convention was the most chickenshit thing I’ve seen in a long time. I lost all respect for him-it was a disgusting thing to do. As for Jeb!, he’s a turd anyway, but I thought W has class.

  4. Maybe that apple rolled downhill?
    Hell! W2 went to war cause somebody threatened his daddy, taking a swipe at Trump for embarrassing his brother nationwide, small potatoes.

  5. Smart move for getting on the Trump train. He may have a political career not like Jeb who just ruined his by being a poor sport. I think the Bushes are for Hillary they are friends you know. This one just made a smart move. He might make it to the White house one day.

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