Cuomo Crony Cuts Deal with U.S. Attorney in Return for Leniency – IOTW Report

Cuomo Crony Cuts Deal with U.S. Attorney in Return for Leniency

JWF: The U.S. Attorney in New York isn’t one to play games, as evidence by his imprisoning Democrat kingpin Sheldon Silver, among others, so Governor Andrew Cuomo may want to get lawyered up.

The corruption probe of Gov. Cuomo’s two longtime associates has taken a critical turn with Todd Howe, onetime lobbyist and longtime Cuomo family confidant, signing a “cooperation agreement’’ with US Attorney Preet Bharara, a source close to the investigation told The Post.

The agreement promises Howe, whose ties to Cuomo go back three decades, “favorable treatment’’ and “leniency’’ in the event that he’s criminally charged, in exchange for full details of his lobbying activities on behalf of several major state contractors with senior Cuomo administration officials.   MORE

6 Comments on Cuomo Crony Cuts Deal with U.S. Attorney in Return for Leniency

  1. Seeing how Hillary has the DOJ and FBI in her side pocket, I’d say Cuomo is going down. It’ll take a few years but Cuomo will be the new homo in some swank federal country club prison.
    But there’s still time …… for all of Cuomos buddies to make sizable donations to the Clinton foundation.

  2. It’s exhausting following the corruption of democrats on a daily basis. They all know that their immune from prosecution and they get more brazen every day. They know that if they throw a few treats to their base they’re good to steal and pillage to their hearts content.

    Some crimes are more egregious than others but just look at the last week. Meth for gay sex < Hillary email exposing an Iranian nuke spy who gets hung by the neck until dead.

  3. Cuomo cannot possibly go down quickly enough to suit me.

    While I despise all lib politicians on general principle, I wish a thousand deaths on Cuomo for the way he has run my home state into the ground, financially and administratively. With me it’s very, very personal because of the horrible damage he has inflicted on the judicial branch. His decision a few years ago to cut $170 million from the court system’s annual budget has caused an intolerable amount of stress, from the amount of work we are expected to accomplish to the cheap-assed equipment we have to use to the Soviet-style supply shortages we endure. Then, he compounds the stress by failing to negotiate good-faith contracts with multiple court unions. It is now 5 years, 4 months, and 9 days since my and other unions have had contracts. All of us are at the breaking point financially because of Cuomo’s irresponsible attitude towards his own workers.

    If Preet Bahara wants to throw him into an arena and unleash a bunch of rabid pit bulls on him, I’d be perfectly fine with that.

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