IMPORTANT REMINDER – There are still tickets left for the RedState gathering – IOTW Report

IMPORTANT REMINDER – There are still tickets left for the RedState gathering

Myself? I cannot go. I’m going to go see Ghostbusters, so I can’t make it.

Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 8.11.23 PM

GOOD NEWS!!! The keynote speaker is Glenn Beck. People in the front rows will be allowed to wear a Gallagher-like Poncho, not for watermelon spritz, but for tears and snot.

There are also a few other fat and bald editors of RedState that will be giving talks on their areas of expertise. When someone figures out what that is we’ll be updating this post.

Paul Ryan will be speaking via Skype. One step up from “mailing it in.”

Under ABOUT THE EVENT it says:

We’re excited to bring the 2016 RedState Gathering to Denver, Colorado! Join us, along with hundreds of other grassroots activists, as we rally 90 days before the most important election of our lifetime. History is ours for the making.

What history will they be making? Creating a poisonous atmosphere with the goal of damaging Hillary Clinton’s presidential opponent? That history?

Day one features an Ice Cream Social, because Erick Erickson. You know. He’s fat.

Day Three features:

The Next Chapter: Rising Conservative Stars & Who You Should be Reading and Watching in 2017 and Beyond

· Erick Erickson, Moderator

· Katie Pavlich, Townhall

· Guy Benson, Townhall

· Leon Wolf, RedState

I can’t wait until they name the future stars. Maybe Chelsea?

The one thing I am looking forward to seeing on Youtube, however, is the talk by former congressman Joe Walsh. I have no idea how he slipped through the cracks, but him speaking at a #NeverTrump rally should be a howler.

38 Comments on IMPORTANT REMINDER – There are still tickets left for the RedState gathering

  1. Oh gosh. I’m washing my hair on day one. Then day 2 I have to deep condition, rinse and style it. But even day 3 is gonna be hard for me because yeah, I just don’t wanna go.

  2. what’s great about erickson, michael moore, rosie o’donnell etc is the fact that the can’t hide the diet discipline problem

    they’re so smart about what’s right for america, how fucked up the conservatives are, etc, but either can’t figure out how to lose fat or are too lazy or hedonistic to do a damn thing about it

  3. I’ve got a Bingo game scheduled, then bird watching the next day, and then day 3 we’re going to Stateline to see how many cars are leaving California. We’ll take a picnic basket with us, some wine and cheese, and lawn chairs and an umbrella.

  4. If I worked for them, I might be working the equipment for those great conservative voices of even-handedness and objectivity, the MSM. They’d want close-ups of Hillary each day.
    I think I’d call in sick, had another stroke or something.

  5. They also have ‘Activism Training’ listed on their site. Is this the GOP establishments version of community organizing? John Bolton also somehow slipped through. I guess he missed the Glenn Beck cheeto meltdown – boy is he in for a surprise!

  6. Katie Pavlich….Right out of the gate, she took credit for the work David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh did on the Fast and Furious gun running scandal. She belongs with these losers.

  7. That’s a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I have work, a church service project, yard work (perpetually), and rest on Sunday. So. . . .. no, don’t think I’m going to be able to make it. Awwwww. . . . .too bad for me.

  8. I have to sweep the roof, dig a trench and fill it in again, go on a snipe hunt with Bad_Brad, read Grumpy Cat’s ‘No-It-All’ book and trim my toe nails.
    Much much tooooooo busy.

  9. “Katie Pavlich….Right out of the gate, she took credit for the work David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh did on the Fast and Furious gun running scandal.”

    Ah, plagiarism, the hallmark of all dishonest information brokers. I’ve got a graphic for this, but I’m too wiped to upload to photobucket. Going to look for a link for it. BRB.

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