What Did Trump Mean? – IOTW Report

What Did Trump Mean?

It’s all over Twitter, this new controversy.

What do you hear him say and what does it mean? The NeverTrump are leading the charge, crucifying him.

I don’t hear it the way they do.

77 Comments on What Did Trump Mean?

  1. Sorry but if the guy is dumb enough to say this KNOWING for an absolute certainty how it will be taken in the press, THEN doesn’t even try to clarify it ON THE SPOT…I just don’t know. It suggests he isn’t even really listening to himself. A few more like this and I’m going back to my preplanned implosion theory.

    Still voting against Clinton.

  2. OMG is this a thing now? FFS, he was talking about the people who support the 2A need to stand up against hillary and vote against hillary or there will be little to no 2A left.
    Fuck you Nevertrumpers and fuck you Progressives. You’re all the same.

  3. If the NWO uniparty manages to steal the election by nefarious means, as they are constantly trying to do – the US will see another civil war. That will be the only means by which we would then be able to save our country and ourselves. I think DT knows his chances of winning the presidency and turning things around is the only thing holding some people back at this point.

  4. My own clarification: what Trump said is exactly what Palin was falsely accused of saying with the map bullseyes. Even if that’s not how he meant it, the words come across as meaning, “Take care of it.”

  5. Are they shocked to here that? Keep pushing and one day we will push back. There’s a bunch of us clinging to our guns and Bibles. We cling to our Constitution as well and can spot a tyrannical Government when we see it. And we are way past tyrannical.

  6. Trump was using Jesus method of making people think for themselves.

    For instance, Jesus said “In my Father’s house there are many mansions” Was he bragging that he’s rich? Was he talking about a real house? Was he inviting people for a sleep over?

    See? Sometimes it’s better to let people figure things out for themselves.

  7. As if hillary never said, “Not if WE have anything to say about it!” when she’s talking about the NRA. Did she mean she’s going to send a horde of anti 2A dumbasses to kill NRA members? How come we don’t pin imaginary shit like that on HER?

  8. Yes, he’s a loose cannon. And I love him for it! And he knows, and has experience with a VERY hostile media. So he’s not going to parse his words. He’ll say what he thinks is right, and let everyone else figure it out.
    Most people will go with a common sense meaning. The “Elite”, and the presstitutes will parse every letter, every pause, every microsecond, to attempt to discover what the meaning of “is” is.

    What was that parable about gnats and elephants?

  9. Keep it up Mr. Trump. I am so sick of politically correct, candy asses that are afraid to say anything for fear of upsetting some poor little snowflake. It is high time to make America great again!

  10. I haven’t heard a peep about this from any of the NTer’s. The only one I’ve seen going full stupid is Moron.org and they are calling for the Secret Service to investigate it as Trump threating to shoot Hiliary.

    I took it to mean that if the second amendment is repealed, we’ll need to use what it says to restore it. That’s why it’s there.

  11. Grool, you ready to step back and allow the second amendment to be put in the trash bin? Trump simply states others will stand up for your rights even if you won’t.

  12. Me personally, I don’t think he’s saying what the NeverTrump and the left are hoping he said.
    But I will go a step further, and this might not be popular and I don’t give a shit.
    Any president that openly states they are going to strip 2A out of the constitution should be shot.

  13. Does the left really think that the law abiding, tax paying citizens will just stand idly by while Hillary and the criminal Democrats confiscate their firearms and put them at the mercy of their constituency. I think not!

  14. This is the controversy of the day?! After Hillary has the Orlando shooters father behind her at a rally this is WTF Twitter morons think is a BFD?!

    Maybe Twitter morons needs to spend more time analyzing Hillary’s freezing, constant misspeaking, compounding lies and need for a coach/doctor or whoever that guy is.

    Good make this a big deal – gun sales have soared for years under Obama with new gun owners and women joining the gun owning ranks. If repealing the 2nd amendment was desired by the majority Hillary and Obama wouldn’t be mocking claims they want to take our guns.

  15. To me it’s like saying “In case of a fire, use a fire extinguisher”.

    Remember, progs think 2A was put in place to hunt food. If you tell them 2A was put in place as a way to keep government in check they think you are nuts!

  16. Aggie,

    If he meant restoring liberty by the same means as the Founders used, if necessary, I have NO problem with it.

    But that is not what he said and that’s not what comes across. You have to read that into his words to come up with it, just as lots of other people’s first impression will be a call for assassinations.

    Do you really not understand what he just did?

    The Left could not asked for nor ginned up a better premise for a false flag op than Trump just handed them. Don’t act surprised when the next shooting is tied to this comment. Yeah, the media will knee-jerk like they always do and claim the shooter is republican/conservative/Trump supporter. They always do.

    But NOW they got THIS clip to run 24/7, attaching his words directly to whatever happens next.

    The Left has been WAITING for him to say something like this and here it is, handed to them on a silver platter.

    Watch what they do with it, and watch the impact it will have on his support.

    Still voting against Clinton.

  17. If there was ever a time in the history of the phrase, it is now: “F___ ‘EM!!” The VERY LAST GASP of the Left is to lose control of the narrative!! And, whatever it takes, we all must resist the temptation to EXPLAIN anything they are trying to make a thing out of. My response? “Yup. Whatever you heard, you’re going to have to figure it out for yourselves. I know what I heard and I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you!” In other words, I no longer care what they heard or how they want to twist it — and make no mistake — they do want to twist it. Hells’ Bells! They make stuff up out of whole cloth, they hardly need an excuse to lie.


  18. If there was ever a time in the history of the phrase, it is now: “F___ ‘EM!!” The VERY LAST GASP of the Left is to lose control of the narrative!! And, whatever it takes, we all must resist the temptation to EXPLAIN anything they are trying to make a thing out of. My response? “Yup. Whatever you heard, you’re going to have to figure it out for yourselves. I know what I heard and I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you!” In other words, I no longer care what they heard or how they want to twist it — and make no mistake — they do want to twist it. Hells’ Bells! They make stuff up out of whole cloth, they hardly need an excuse to lie.

    Let’s just change the subject, shall we? Why, for example, was there another strange Killery-connected death last week? The guy who served papers on the DNC?

  19. Just replace what Trump said with the 2nd Amendment with the 1st. So those for free speech can’t take a stand? What a bunch if horse💩 this is.

    100% agree with BigFurHat.

  20. What Trump was saying was, “If they attempt to take away our 2A rights, it will be Civil War!”. And he’s correct. Don’t back away from it. Embrace it! Shout it from the rooftops! Quit being pussies! When did everyone start losing their shit over offending the left? Fuck ’em! Go out of your way to offend them! Who’s support are we gonna lose? Stop playing their perverse and twisted game!

  21. This is an example of the crap we’ve gotten from the so called “conservatives” this election. When you watch the whole video and put that one little phrase in context. He’s simply referring to the fact that the people who fight for second amendment rights aren’t going to quit, they are going to fight on. That’s all that means. He was talking about the NRA.

  22. I heard him make the insinuation that the 2nd Amendment was devised by the founders specifically to dispatch with tyranny from an oppressive government.

    Let me confirm the assertion first, please.

  23. Grool: You mean like “binders full of women”? When are you people going figure out that it doesn’t matter who the republican is or what he says the “news” media is going to isolate it from the rest of the speech and take it out of context, twist its meaning and gin up controversy around it all to try to help the democrat, any democrat win the election.

  24. I was gonna comment, but I’ll just copy and paste since Mary Jane Anklestraps said exactly what was on my mind!

    “OMG is this a thing now? FFS, he was talking about the people who support the 2A need to stand up against hillary and vote against hillary or there will be little to no 2A left.
    Fuck you Nevertrumpers and fuck you Progressives. You’re all the same. “

  25. The 2A has been parsed and rehashed to the point it only takes me a couple of seconds of listening to tell if the speaker understands it.

    It was born out of a horrible time where many men who were involved in the struggle to throw off a hostile government intent on making us all economic slaves to that ruler, were killed by him.

    It MUST be taken in context to the times and the usage of language in common speech then. It is not written in lawyer speak but does have a few words which are a bit different and seldom used today.

    Another point usually not grasped is that at the time there was no difference in military and civilian arms. Both were the best available at the time. The 2A does not speak to this point for a reason. Simply because after using the word “infringing”, in forbidding the federal government any say in arms, they had no idea there would or could be a difference in what the government possessed, and what the citizenry held.

    If a citizen of the day wanted a cannon, the WMD of the day, he was welcome to purchase such. If purchase was out of reach, foundry and shop could be used for local production.

    The 2A is not a hedge against incremental government tyranny. Though it should be to any politician not a moron. It is the method to effect a reset. To toss off and away those who would deign be our rulers.

    The Second does speak of the security of “a free State”. That part troubles me the most.

    If you look at the conditions the Crown was imposing that precipitated an armed uprising, I would wager our current federal government has more exerted control over its people than the Crown accomplished, barring quartering soldiers in peoples homes.

    As far as the taxes, duties, and levies being imposed today, King George would be in awe of the scale of confiscation in place.

    So, at what point does “a free State” cease to exist? I have no simple test for this that satisfies me. I do recognize some few actions on the part of the federal government that were they to occur, would be unmistakable.

    Now somebody go wake up Brad, I’ve just bored him to sleep.

  26. Let me expand upon what I was saying before.
    These are facts-

    If Hillary gets the Supreme Court your down ballot vote doesn’t mean a FUCKING THING.
    The left has long ago realized that the country can be changed by controlling SCOTUS.

    Everything the right holds dear will be declared evil and every candy store dream the left has ever had will be a reality.

    Think Europe, where making a cheeseface at two dudes french kissing gets you put in jail.
    No borders with a jacked up welfare system, no guns, and regulations on private business and private property so stifling you won’t want to participate in it.

    I’ve heard lots of chatter about the coming civil war, and people being prepared and are locked and loaded.

    Lock and loaded for what, to shoot the Red Star out so you can win a Teddy Bear on the top shelf?

    I have TEA party people on my twitter account sending me notifications saying Trump has to go because they suspect he just said something about an armed revolution.

    Ya, we’re locked and loaded.
    This is depressing.
    A large swath of the right, I am learning, is nothing but a paper tiger willing to shrink into the night a complete and total serf.

    I think they want it. I think they are using Trump as an excuse to welcome it in Hillary.
    There can be no other explanation.

    That’s a great recipe – no guns, open border, welfare system, limited free speech, Muslims everywhere getting a free pass because the government is afraid of them, Christians relegated to secret meetings in people’s basements.

    Welcome to NeverTrumpLand, AKA HillaryWorld.

  27. I’m enjoying the show. Libs heads are esploding. Love it.

    And don’t be fooled, Trump knows what he is doing. He is using the press to set the narrative. Just like he did for the wall. He has to do it this way for the guns. Can’t for him to bring up fast n furious in a similar side remark.

  28. Okay, so pass this around a bit. What if the “Inner Circle” has declared that Hillary will be sacrificed for the good of their cause & she knows it. Think about that and watch the 8/4 clip of her when protesters rush the stage, when the handler told her to just keep talking. The look on her face could have been “so this is it, this is where it happens”.

  29. Trump: The sky is blue and it’s nice. Very nice.
    Never Trumpers: The sky is not blue, it’s green and it’s terrible that Trump said otherwise. Terrible. He’s unfit to be a meteorologist as well as a President.
    I’m disgusted that Hillary Clinton is running ads against Trump on the History Channel and her punchline is provided by Charles Krauthammer.

  30. The best short answer he should have given to the question: What did you mean by that?

    “The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.”

    And leave it at that. Let them twist themselves into a knot.

  31. Globalists -vs- everyone. Brexit was the first salvo. What WE DO now is of grave importance. Correct the course, or hand your children over to serve far away puppet masters for their whole lives, your choice.

    This is not a warning its a promise

  32. “a well regulated militia” means an armed male population with the latest arms in 1787. This allowed the citizen to defend themselves from opression, as well as the State should the need arise, as it did in 1812-1815.

    One of the first laws declared unconstitutional required every adult male in the US to own a firearm if they had the means. George Washington signed it, and the Court said the State cannot compell someone to buy something……unlike today.

  33. It’s utterly amazing how the Communist media just hangs on every syllable that Trump utters in order to find that sentence they can twist into their “dog whistle”.

    I agree with the poster that says it needs to be done to Hillary. Everything out of her mouth is code for “We’re going to bring back East Germany style government to the United States like its never been done before!”

  34. The media *forgot* to include a sentence….again. What they say he said—“ if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Though the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.” What he really said—““Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. (crowd boos) By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Though the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”

  35. Big Fur Hat,

    You are correct in saying that if Hiliary get her SCOTUS picks, the down ballot matters none (well, very little), but that is a 2018 issue. We need to be prepared for the very real possibility that Hiliary will win in November. We need to encourage the NTer’s to not stay home, but go vote. Even if they leave the top of the ticket blank, we need them at the polls to voter full R down ballot. We need to get the Stein and Johnson voters to vote R on the down ballot. We need that to stop Hiliary from having both houses of congress, especially the Senate since the Senate is the body that confirms her picks. Yes, in 2016 we need to win the down ballot. We need a massive turnout to STOP THE BITCH! Down ballot is a HUGE issue in 2016. Please quit poo-pooing the down ballot. It is EXTREMELY important!

  36. I’m poo pooing the down ballot because NeverTrump seems to think the two can be separated, a Hillary win and a right-wing down ballot victory being a-ok. It’s not.
    The hill is meaningless to the Hill.
    If she gets SCOTUS she has it all, we have nothing.

    I wish NeverTrump would open their eyes.
    A guy that says stupid things who is for the most part a sympathetic ear to the right side of the aisle is the best we have, and it’s far superior to president Hillary.
    I say go for it.
    NeverTrump is going to sink this country with their asinine plans and schemes.

  37. The first thing we as true conservative Americans need to do is stop calling these assholes “Progressives”.

    They are COMMUNISTS.

    We have to change the narrative for the low-info voters that think the word “progressive” means “good progress”.

    Progressivism means misery for everyone; so associate misery with the word communism until it sticks.

  38. “If she gets SCOTUS she has it all, we have nothing.”

    Exactly, and Paul Ryan and Turtle Boy will get her the appointments she wants. And oh by the way Trumps not a conservative. Makes ones head hurt.

  39. Whatever the cause is that makes folks be #NTer’s matters none at the ballot box, but publicly saying that the down ballot matters none is dangerous. As I said, we need to be prepared for President Clinton. Part of that preparation is winning the down ballot races. We know that Harry Reid is poison. We Know that Speaker of the House Pelosi is poison. We need to encourage all #NeverHillary voters to show up at the polls and make sure she cannot appoint radicals to the courts no matter why they hate Trump. Can you not at least agree on that?

    You can wish in one hand, and crap in the other, and you know which hand will be full first. Please stop discounting the down ballot in 2016.

  40. Brad, “Turtle Boy” and Ryan MIGHT be poison, but Reid and Pelosi ARE poison. Are you really going to drink from the “Poison” bottle? Your not going to drink from the bottle marked “Might be Poison”?

  41. Menderman, WTF? Ryan and Turtle Boy were elected by people to stand up against Pelosi and Reid. And they DON’T. The bottles is marked poison. We have historically accurate facts and passed behavior. Nice try though.

  42. Ignoring the down ballot in 2016 is FUCKING STUPID! Hiliary is likely to win, and I fucking hate that idea. Giving her both houses of congress is FUCKING STUPIDER!

    Now I am praying for the S.M.O.D.

    and you idiots say NTer’s are destroying the country? STOP WITH THE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. @Tsunami — Reagan did it to the word “Liberal” — totally ruined it for them. Turned the label into mud. That’s why they changed it to Progressive. It can be done. It’s what the Left has been doing to “Republican” and “conservative” for the past 50+ years.

  44. Key word is “if”? Really? Are you really that dumb? “if’s” don’t win elections. Listen, Brad, if you have any coherence on public events, the NTer’s are growing in numbers, like it or not. You can say the polls are lying just like they said that in 2012 and 2008. Trump is on the ropes (media caused event) and only has 90 some days to correct things, and I hope he does and wins. I also intend to vote RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR on every single down ballot candidate….even the asses I don’t like like Richard Burr. Richard Burr sucks donkey balls, but I am damn sure positive he is better than the prog running against him. If you are stupid enough to vote for the D’s because you don’t fully approve of your local R’s record, you are to stupid to ever respond to again.

    POTUS is much less important than all the down ballot stuff. Get some Ivory soap and wash the shit off your face after you get your head out of your ass…you stink.

  45. Menderman because of Conservatives like Ryan and Turtle boy, the down vote does not matter. They will give Hillary what she wants. They’ve been caving to the party in power for the last 5.5 years. You insult people like a second grader. I would grade that a low d-.

  46. “Turtle Boy” and Ryan MIGHT be poison, but Reid and Pelosi ARE poison. Are you really going to drink from the “Poison” bottle? Your not going to drink from the bottle marked “Might be Poison”?

    That seems like a similar argument to what BFH made to NTers about the choice between Trump and Clinton……..

  47. Lowell, not asleep. Right on the money. The only thing I would add is that The Federalist Papers make the intent of the 2nd pretty darn clear. And Trump was talking to guys like us.

  48. I see your point. I see BFHs point. However, voting NT but R on the rest of the ballot is stupid and meaningless, and NTers will do just that.

    BFH can correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think he would ever vote Trump and then D on the rest of the ballot….

    NTers are missing the point that you made. They are willing to drink the bottle labelled “poison” (Clinton) instead of the one that “might be poison”……

  49. And I am fine if Trump said to use the 2A. This is what I would say. This is what we say here. Why is this bad? The government trying to take away your rights is why 2A exists……

    Don’t ever apologize for this Trump!

    “If this be treason, make the most of it….”

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