Dennis Michael Lynch’s Show Goes Dark as Newsmax Silences Him During His Explanation Of Why He Was Quitting – IOTW Report

Dennis Michael Lynch’s Show Goes Dark as Newsmax Silences Him During His Explanation Of Why He Was Quitting

Lynch, who is an avid Trump supporter, said that he could no longer have his name on a show called “Unfiltered” when it’s been nothing but filtered, lately. He was in the middle of explaining that Newsmax is controlling his editorial content when they pulled the plug on him.

UPDATE: HT/ acefromspace —>  Lynch recorded his broadcast himself—

Newsmax’s CEO, Chris Ruddy, has contributed mightily to the Clinton campaign.

The Right Scoop has the story. WATCH: Newsmax host has MIC CUT OFF, taken OFF-AIR after calling out his network!

The readers at The Right Scoop were perplexed as to why this was posted on their site since Lynch is a Trump supporter.

This led to some introspection in the comments, some of whom regret the divide on the right, and some who say they will vote for Trump because Hillary is a monster. Others remain committed, or resigned, to a Hillary presidency.

Eh just a trumper throwing a trumpertantrum
God will save us!!! This is ANOTHER Trump idiot, gone!!!
Wow you gotta love these responses. Someone sticks to their morals and won’t compromise their integrity and they get crucified by this forum. I may not agree with someone but I do respect fortitude.
This is one more example that is symptomatic of the destruction of the “conservative” movement. I read the comments below, and have been reading and posting them myself for some time, and it’s very clear that the fissures that used to be in the Republican Party have become continental divides. Chump was not the cause of it, but only reflects this basic fact.
You can never unify disparate groups of people when each has a very narrow view of who is acceptable, and anyone who veers from our idea of perfection is worse than ending up with Trump.
Yep. It’s unfortunate. That divide gave us the Cheeto Jesus as the only vehicle to fight against what is our real enemy… the left and their destructive ideology. I have decided that I must vote for Chump because of that, and I have been vilified in these comments by those with whom I have agreed and gotten along with quite well in the past. I consider myself a never Chumper but I am much more of a never Killary. He’s an unknown that at least has some conservatives around him to influence him. She’s a death sentence to America.
That’s basically where I am; if Trump is within striking distance of Hillary, I’ll vote for him and drink heavily that night. A Hillary Supreme Court is just too much for me.

Fine. Keep telling your truth. Here’s my truth: I’m done being stupid enough to fall for the false fallacy that I have to accept one in order to fight against the other though. I can fight Hillary Clinton, and Obama, without having to compromise and shame myself any further to kowtow to the ‘Republican Party’. They’re sure as hell not fighting them. Donald Trump isn’t the disease, Hillary Clinton is not the disease, they’re both rotted symptoms of the cancer that has spread throughout every single aspect of what we now call our ‘government’ and every person within it whether they’re within the political aspect of it or they’re in the private sector aspect.

For anyone at this point to still naively believe that anyone, whether Trump or anyone else, is going to change anything is breathtakingly ridiculous.The collusion, the con, the ponsi scheme, their duplicity, their absolute criminality is beyond anyone. It is beyond any redemption. To fight one side and not the other is to enable them all no matter what label they slap on their faces. To believe liars I first have to believe they’ve stopped lying. To wear their label is to condone them, to own them, to be them. I’m not those people anymore. I condemn them. I disown them. I am not any of them.

We quit listening to all the talking heads outside a couple of radio (Charlie Sykes and Mark Belling) hosts. Rush was tuned out last year and our TV went 2 years ago. Most of them are the reason we have the low info voters on our side (see Hannity).
Same here Butch. Rarely even turn the TV on. Sometimes watch Beck.
Seems like Sean Hannity’s little brother. I’m tired of narcissistic New Yorkers.
Only Trumplodytes “trust” the Orange Turd Blossom. Dump the Trump. He’s a Sure Loser. We the People want the right man to be the Leader of America and Western Civilization: Texas Senator Ted Cruz.
Amen, Mary! ALWAYS and FOREVER Ted!!!
NM, Britebark, Toxic Tree Nuts, Gayway, and other formerly principled bloggers have all gone round the bend to be a jock strap for itty bitty guy. Blech.
Trump stole so many ideas from Cruz he should’ve made his slogan TrusTrump.
How dare he say something nice about Trump, HE MUST BE CENSORED! 

(I now return you to your regularly scheduled Trump bashing) :-/

19 topics here, 12 have something to do with ‘Trump’. I used to be a regular here (I voted for Cruz). You think just maybe this site could devote a little more time TO THE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE?
I can get all the ‘Trump bashing’ I need on ‘The Democratic Underground’.


Which Democratic Presidential Candidate? I see two of them.

“If you’re not intelligent enough to realize that they are both the same progressive New York City liberal with the only difference being one being somewhat sane and the other being completely batsh!t crazy then you have been asleep this entire cycle let alone the last 40 years. ” (H/T – Old Man)


There is not an ounce of difference between trump and the Hilldabeast………one is as dangerous as the other and neither should have access to the Oval Office
Bowman- Sure there is an ounce of difference.Trump being president automatically means the Republicans in the House and Senate are going to be backing a liberal agenda for the country.
Which means everyone in the House and Senate is backing a liberal agenda, the only question being exactly how far to the left we go.
Hillary being president means there’s a chance for gridlock because Republicans aren’t necessarily going to bend over forwards to give her whatever she wants like they do for a Republican president every single stinking time.

20 Comments on Dennis Michael Lynch’s Show Goes Dark as Newsmax Silences Him During His Explanation Of Why He Was Quitting

  1. Look at what he recorded of himself to get around the shut down.

    2A defense time seems closer than ever after watching that.

    Pretty damn blatant in-your-face proof of the obliteration of the truth and forcing of the narrative we know has been happening.

    Seriously, if the media that’s been pushing this isn’t the first to be taken out if martial law comes to pass from these monsters being in power, everyone loses.

    Without shutting them down, the lofo idiots will keep assisting the destruction of America.

  2. I have no given up on the Right Scoop or their readers. As you can see it runs the range. There is room for “reluctant admission that Trump is, at the very least, a prudent placeholder until the more perfect.”
    Scoop has wavered. He’s had moments where he can’t take a Trump media event and vows to never vote for him. And then there seems to be a little wiggle room.

  3. The number of actual sites supporting the people’s choice to oppose Hilary is pitiably small. PJMedia is well on it’s way to joining Naitonal Review and Newsmax as complete sell outs to the globalists, Moonbattery and ihatethemedia are tending toward the same self imposed oblivion.

    It’s simply amazing that these so called, “conservative” outlets could support a candidate who openly supported some of the most agregious gun laws in the country and signed the MA template Obama care was forged from, yet won’t back the guy, the ONLY guy, who repeatedly says he’ll put the USA first and stop the invasion.

  4. What bothers me with Right Scoop is anytime someone comments favorably about Trump, the army of #NeverTrumpers flag the comment as offensive and the moderator deletes it. Quite a hair-trigger they got over there. It’s one thing to disagree, quite another to silence debate.

    Check back in an hour or so and I bet you the Trump Positive comments will be history.

  5. News WHO?

    Kiss your First Amendment rights goodbye, folks, unless you make a stand for freedom, make a stand for the right, make a stand for truth.

    We are a hair’s breadth away from the end unless WE make THAT DIFFERENCE, and refuse to kowtow to the special interest groups and the PUBLIC RELATIONS specialists who call themselves “journalists.”

    From Fox to MSNBC, they are all nothing but liars and propagandists.

    Keep your powder dry, my friends.

  6. It appears the #hillarynomatterwhat crowd is camped out at right scoop.
    I hope right scoop enjoys the remaining few months, after the election all the “hillary no matter what” people will be back in mommy’s basement.
    Pretty disgusting and damned dangerous for the Nation.

  7. American Thinker has been writing good, thoughtful articles on a wide variety of subjects, not just Trump.

    There’s often a snide swipe mixed in with essentially accurate reporting (just to show the elites that they’re writing under duress). They also make sure to have a thorough Trump bashing article – I guess it’s like Tourette Syndrome – the longer you hold it in the bigger the eventual outburst.

    I sat through a youtube video of Chris Cuomo interviewing Giuliani today. If your heart can take it, give a look. Cuomo protests that he’s balanced all the while talking over Giuliani if he mentions a Hillary scandal or justifies a Trump position.

    Another blatant interview is on Conservative Treehouse – MSNBC Squawkbox interviewing Trump. They tell him to stick to economics and then ask if he’ll apologize for calling for violence against Hillary or attacking Khan’s son. Trump handled it very well – stuck to his economic message but they asked again & again. Obvious they’re in a contest to see who can make Trump say something they can distort.

  8. My wife and I truly enjoyed your show, we turn Newsmax on at 7pm and off at 10pm, now we turn off at 9pm, pretty soon I will not even turn on, Newsmax is getting more and more like fox, cnn, and other, soon I just not watch any thing, at one time I enjoyed all, but I no longer like ed. or the guy who set in your chair. how sad it is, God Bless You

  9. Yeah, I’m pretty sure the type of ‘christian’ who agrees with Teddy boy Cruz on anything after what we’ve seen from him as no place to judge anyone else. Some of those comments were just… so ridiculous, you don’t have to LOVE or even LIKE Trump, but why in the WORLD would anyone, anyone who CLAIMS to be a christian or a republican or even an educated human being, why would they want Hillary-I-totally-sold-my-soul-to-the-globalists-and-the-devil-Clinton as president!? It’s insane.

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