The Dumbing Down of America – IOTW Report

The Dumbing Down of America

Every once in a while a commercial comes along that drags down the overall intelligence of society.

I’m not talking about blatantly silly commercials, or stupid commercials that know they are stupid.

I’m talking about when a company chooses a spokesperson and earnestly believes they have something special in their new spokeshole.

The latest is the Jamie Foxx/Verizon commercial. I lose my mind every time he says excetera.

Did the director not want to correct him?

I know this seems minor compared to where we are as a country, but it’s not.

(Also, check out how he says New York is on the left side of the country.)


28 Comments on The Dumbing Down of America

  1. Excetera is one. But, years ago there was, “Winston tastes good like (should be AS) a cigarette should.” Leave it to the advertising industry to dumb down grammar.

  2. Jamie Foxx is a radical socialist racist with about enough sense to pour piss out of a boot.

    Maybe. If the instructions were written on the heel. In Ebolics.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. A relative was speaking to my daughter about the cartilage in her neck but said “cartridge”. The first time she said it, I thought, “she just misspoke.” By the third time. I realized that she actually thought she was using the right word…..

  4. Madison ave has gone completely to the DARK side. Practically every commercial is all black or has black extras. I’m sick of it. Between commercials, the news, the morning shows, the weekend shows it’s all black, black, black.
    When it is rammed down your throat it doesn’t help race relations it ruins them!

  5. OK, here’s my short list that peeves me the mostist:)

    Wheel barrel for wheel barrow
    Aks for ask
    sodder for solder
    Nucular for nuclear
    Orientated for oriented (or whatever the F*&** they think they meant)

    I know I have more. Maybe it would be a good post!

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