My Principles – IOTW Report

My Principles



131 Comments on My Principles

  1. “How did you make his face look so odd?”

    I know, right? It’s like he took Hermie the Elf and just wailed on him with photoshop. But for some reason, I keep thinking of “Good Will Hinting.”

  2. If your principles include personal freedoms, then no – you don’t have them anymore. Democrats in particular, and more than a few Republicans, are rejecting personal freedom in favor of collective “rights.” Hillary Clinton is among these politicians, and if elected President will, at a minimum, seek to have Supreme Court Justices appointed who are likely to find “rights” which don’t really exist, but are politically expedient. The Bill of Rights shouldn’t have any loopholes, but these people will try to find some.

    I haven’t heard Trump disclaim personal freedom, and his background indicates he would not be inclined to do so. But assuming for the sake of argument only that Donald Trump is also some sort of collectivist, he is still far short of Hillary. He would be the lesser of two evils.

    So no, if you are a NeverTrumper, you have no principles. You are banking on (1) Ted Cruz running for the Republican nomination in 2020, (2) Ted Cruz actually being the Republican nominee in 2020, and (3) Ted Cruz winning the general election in 2020. In the meantime, and recognizing that even if Trump were elected President in 2016 Cruz could still seek the Repubican nomination in 2020, you are willing to help elect Hillary Clinton with all of her progressivism, collectivism and corruption and allow her 4 years to do her worst.

    That’s not standing on your principles. That’s just plain bullshit.

  3. Much like those that believe in magic and unicorns the #NeverBeenLaid posse represent the #ThatGuy that nobody ever aspired to be.

    Other than the pointing, snickering and whispering can we finally move on from the discussion about how there are some losers at the frat party?

    Booger eating spazzes embrace Liberty too. So that they can eat boogers.

  4. Hillary PAC is spending millions to troll people who criticize her on the internet –
    Pissing away a $Million when you have $Billions…….
    Doesn’t change a thing about her corruption, lying, or her incompetence.

  5. Big Fur Hat, your disturbing fascination of stopping Hiliary at all costs is not helping Trump. You exhume an attitude that you would elect Satan over hiliary, and that is not helpful and a tad bit scary. Yes Hiliary sucks, and we need to elect Trump to stop the evil bitch from ever stepping into the White House again , but you are dangling at the edge of insanity in your single minded hatred of Hiliary as a way to help Trump. Let’s critique Trump to be a bit better at being a conservative to gain him more votes. We have the same goal in mind, but I fear your approach, while very Trumpesque, is driving undecideds away. You need to improve your game.

  6. Menderman, you are wasting keystrokes.
    The issues that keep the race so tight, with Clinton running slightly ahead, are easily resolved. Hillary is very flawed and could be easily shunted aside if the will to do so existed.
    Only a small group on both sides really believes the country will end if their chosen one is not elected.
    The sad part is that, in the past, we always made fun of the Democrats for doing this kind of fear mongering.
    The problem is that once you get into the mud, it becomes difficult to tell the pigs apart.

  7. Yes, JohnS, I know I am wasting keystrokes, but I do indeed want to stop Hiliary. It seems others cannot put aside petty disagreements and focus on the big picture. I am very aware that you plan to vote against Hiliary despite the un-relentless attacks on you for not being a Trump sycophant.

    Quite sad, isn’t it?

  8. Yes, it is sad. I don’t understand the self destructive behavior.
    The adoption of leftists tactics never works as leftists will always vote for the real McCoy rather than the Republican imitation. On top of that, those tactics drive the Republican base away.
    This is the third election where that has been happening, it started out small, built up, and is at it’s peak now.
    I am tired of losing elections.
    I don’t want to lose this one, but if we do, I pray that a course change takes place.

  9. I just spent the last 1/2 hour talking to my nephew about why Trump had to win. I listened to his speech in Wisconsin and praised his law and order stance with a co-worker and that she should listen to it online.

    This Ted Cruz hatred is really making me mad.

    He lost. Get over it.

  10. Yet, you two don’t seem to have any problem when Trump supporters are attacked as racist, violent, retards, “the worst the right has to offer”, etc.

    Put aside “petty disagreements”?

    Like what? Ted Cruz?

    Leave Ted Cruz alone!!!!!!!!!!!??


    He’s the asshole stringing along NeverTrump and bandying about this notion of “principles.”

    You’re going to wake up in a country that doesn’t value your principles one iota, and for what?
    The absolute lie that Trump is going to be to the left of Hillary??

    What difference, at that point, would it make if it was Trump or Hillary?

  11. Claudia, I got over Ted losing once Trump won NY and publicly called on him to drop out for the good of the country. Trump has publicly said he will create a super PAC to defeat Ted in 2018, but I still intend to vote Trump in November. Big Fur Hat’s idiotic claim that Cruz supporters suck because they won’t board the Trump Train is not helping Trump and our goal is to defeat Hiliary. It’s almost as if BFH is setting up Cruz supporters to be to blame if Trump loses….that in now way, shape, or form is helping Trump win. Trump winning is our goal, no?

  12. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
    Just how did Cruz get into the room?
    Cruz is no longer in the race. He lost, now Hillary has to lose.
    Cruz has been, and will continue to be the straw man tossed up to deflect from the important issues.
    Like winning the election.

  13. JohnS, destroying Cruz is a not so secret side game of electing Trump. It is likely that it will cost Trump what was once considered a freebie election. A two front war is very hard to win. It also feeds the meme that Trump is just in the game to get Hiliary elected. If the Trump fanatics don’t drop the war on Ted, we WILL have President Hillary Rodham Clinton and First Man William Jefferson Clinton using 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as their home address.

  14. More to it than that. If Trump wins, Cruz’s political career is toast. Guy like Menderman and Johnshithead think it’s more important saving Cruz’s political career than saving the nation. That Cruz dick must taste good.

  15. Yes, unfortunately this is the bed NeverTrump has made.

    Never before have we had the right working so hard to defeat the GOP candidate, a candidate that millions upon millions believe in.

    Unfortunately many will be holding this against Ted Cruz, the face of NeverTrump.
    He’s the guy who most famously came to the convention with the sole purpose of trying to get back at Trump during the widest audience possible.

    Oh well.
    Actions have consequences.

  16. So what you’re saying, John, is that everyone should ignore the right-wing that is biting on Trump’s ankle, ignore any politicians on the right that are calling for Trump’s ousting from the party, ignore the open letters, the special edition magazines, the appearance on Sunday morning shows, ads made against Trump by the right, ignore all that and just focus on Hillary’s deficiencies, the deficiencies that the very same people above say are not all that bad when stacked up against Trump?
    That’s the strategy going forward?

    Just ignore when Trump makes a good speech and the leading laughers and pointers are the people who feel ass-chaffed because Ted Cruz didn’t win?

    They should be ignored? Let them do their thing?

    Uhhh, I really don’t see it that way. Sorry if I’m disappointing you.

  17. You know what I would like to see? I would like to see Ted Cruz come out and endorse Donald Trump for President. Endorse him in no uncertain terms, for the good of the country, for the good of the conservative movement, and for the good of Ted Cruz himself. Until he does that he is undermining all of those, and is a part of the problem.

  18. joe6pak, you are 100% right. Cruz is going to rot away if him and his family dont do what is right. I have to walk in forgiveness everyday, as Christians should, otherwise it just eats at you. For his health and the nations health, he must endorse, now.

  19. The problem is I am picking up a whiff of way too much concern for Ted Cruz and not enough for the defeat of Hillary Clinton by Donald Trump.

    I can see it and feel it by how certain people react when I make posts.
    I’m not acting as if this is greatly nuanced and I’m a student of human behavioral sciences.
    It’s actually quite obvious.
    It’s glaring, and absolutely comical when the concern trolls show up and how it’s all about not allowing anyone to make a comment about TED.

    The mission is to erect a protective sarcophagus around Cruz while pretending to be concerned with a Trump victory, get Trump defeated, and then work on the push for Cruz in 2020 ASAP.

    It’s not fooling me. I’m not feeling the same amount of desperation I have that Trump may not win.
    I see a sort of “mailing it in performance.”

    “Hey guys let’s make sure Trump wi…… zzzzz zzzzzz zzzzz. ”

    “Huh, What? WHAT’S THAT YOU SAY ABOUT TED???????!!!!!!????”

    The consequence for the Cruz Ruse will be brutal, I’m afraid.
    Cruz is DOA if he sits on his hands and doesn’t pitch in to defeat Hillary.

    I won’t be able to support a guy that contributed to foisting Hillary Rodham Clinton upon us.
    That is a capital sin.

  20. I gotta go to bed. You guys just pissameaffa. Did Y’all know that Mr. Principles is the model for “The Joker” in the Batman movies?
    Bet all you smartasses didn’t know that. Gonite.

  21. Well, it’s important that they realize that what they are doing in the name of Cruz is extraordinarily naive on multiple levels.

    They’re ho-hum about the notion of a Trump loss because it gets them that much closer to the next Cruz run.
    It’s as if they don’t realize that Cruz will be held responsible for putting a pall on the most important night of the Trump campaign. He’ll be held responsible for the SCOTUS being stacked with progressives.
    He’ll be responsible for every left-wing desire realized.

    Saying that it won’t be the fault of NeverTrump, nor the poster boy of that movement, and that it’s the fault of the millions that had the audacity to humiliate Cruz by voting for Trump, causing them to have to expel energy r*tfu**ing Trump, seems very childish to me.
    Unprincipled, even.

    I have one guiding principle – no progressives ever.

    And the next asshole that tries to Cruzsplain to me that Trump is a progressive WORSE THAN HILLARY I’m going to get principled on them with a blow torch and a pair of pliers.

    This is getting just downright fucking silly.

  22. I think the very existence of Trumpsters brings on the psychosis of Cruzborgs. It’s as though we should have some sort of survivor guilt just because Trump won the primary race fairly and squarely. So, now who are the nutty buddies? I don’t hear from any other group of people — Kasich supporters, Rubio supporters, Fiorina supporters, etc. — who have coalesced around FB and other organized social media, or who have regular spokespeople on the cable news channels to give the #NeverTrump viewpoint. There aren’t Kasich or Rubio fans who show up at Trump rallies to protest him. It’s pretty damn rich for those who are fans of Cruz to try to turn the tables and say, as our friend, Menderman, has, that the main reason they have a hard time supporting Trump is because Trump voters have a need to destroy Cruz. The fact is Cruz destroyed himself. No one needed to lift a finger to do that. And the thing I find the most incredible in their finger pointing is that not once have I read or heard any of them ever concede that Cruz was a flawed candidate, a candidate few cross-overs even knew or found overwhelmingly desirable or compelling.

    I don’t get it. I don’t. It seems what the #NeverTrump/Cruz2020 crowd really want is a public apology from Trump and his voters for winning and (seriously, I think they believe Trump doesn’t “deserve” his place in the sun) for Cruz losing. It’s an amazingly crazy level of entitlement.

    Cruz is a speck in my personal rear view mirror. Why does he still seem to figure in any discussion of why Killery needs to be defeated? The only reason I can come up with is because his voters are essentially and ideologically tethered to the Republican establishment — the *old* Republican party. That should come as no big surprise given many of Cruz’ fundamental stands on issues before Trump came along and he started drafting Trump’s platform. Cruz co-authored the push for TPA/TPP’s fast track, he shared the GOPe’s push for immigration ‘reform’, including blanket amnesty and Dreamer-like quick citizenship. And his attempted coup de gras was a series of organized hijacking of the nomination using various tactics, and finally showing up at the nominating convention to tell his people to vote for anyone but Trump.

    Cruz, the defeated candidate who won’t admit his defeat and worse; he encourages his delusional followers to do the same. On this last point, it has created the reality that the Republican nominee is fighting a two-front war and it appears he will be doing so all the way to the finish. Cruz has intentionally created a handicap that, by rights, shouldn’t be there.

  23. On a much happier note, I had the most amazing conversation with a Bernie supporter today. I saw his Bernie sticker in the window of his car and because he was going to Fred Meyer and so was I, I purposely parked opposite him in the lot. As he started walking in, I caught up with him and initiated a conversation which started by my noting his sticker and just having a few curious questions. He was a very dear, older man and we ended up doing our shopping together for the next 20 minutes while talking about Sanders and Trump. I thought it was very cool that he was the one who highlighted all the things the Trump and Sanders campaigns had in common. We had a really calm, friendly exchange about trade problems, (his personal issue is H1B), creating family wage jobs, etc. Listening to him, you’d have a hard time believing he was really a Sanders guy. He said he admired Trumpster’s passion about kicking the bums out. Before we parted ways I asked him the most important question, “Well, what are you going to do now?” He frowned when he said he would never vote for Hillary, but he wasn’t quite ready to vote for Trump. I hope his positive experience with me leaves a lasting impression.

    Bottom line, folks: We can win the hearts and minds of Sanders people. Be friendly, be open, and show how Trump must be elected if they ever have a chance of finding another Bernie. Eight years of a renewed America will change a lot of minds between now and the next Bernie!

  24. I would cool down. There,s an energy in this election period I haven’t felt in years. I see utter panic in the media.. Trump is going to win in a blowout. Keep steady folks

  25. I wish all the Cruz people would form a line so us Trump people can kiss their butts and tell them how much we love them, and pretty please vote for Trump.

  26. Looks like Jose Jalapeno got out of Jeff Dunham’s suitcase and sowed some wild oats on one of his stops.


    Fur, dammit. I want to TU your editing addition to Hillary’s best friend – clueless foolish boy, but then it would look like I’m TUing The Fool.

    Irony – someone calling strangers blind fools while he’s the epitome of being a blind fool. And a dangerous one at that.

  27. TO Abigail Adams

    OMG: if I were mormon or muslim I’d ask you to marry me!

    SO TRUE – every word you wrote.
    Only: it’s *not* just a two-front battle (D & R), but also against the media (which admittedly *can* be seen as a P.R. extension of the Ds).

  28. p.s. we’ve been doing tours of the natural springs in Florida, and I’ve had similar discussions in small town breakfast coffee shops. They’re so open to locals and thoughts that don’t come from their “hometown folks.”

    The three things they seemed to react to most positively were:

    1. It’s not so much Hillary’s “emails” as much as the overarching “character” of a person who, being appointed to Secretary of State, willfully sets up a private communications system which cannot be overseen or secured, and thereby endangers America’s security.

    2. Her health (physical and mental) issues DO matter.

    3. For the one libertarian there and claimed “Trump and Hillary were the same,” and so was voting for Johnson, telling him either Trump or Hillary will be the next President so, if he can’t vote “for” one of them, he should be able to vote “against” one of the two.
    [it didn’t seem to phase him when I told him Johnson’s stands on the issues were 2/3 in alignment with Hillary…though in retrospect, Hillary’s massive debt increase via “free college” (and subsequently forgiving student loan debt) may have persuaded him….]

  29. Lets blame Ted Cruz for Mr. Twitter. That’s Rich. Tell Trump to shut the fuck up, talk issues, stay on message and act Presidential for lets see maybe a week then I will vote for him. Trump is beating Trump not us Ted Cruz supporters. The problem is the low information Republican voters picked Trump and I will have to vote for him but stop blaming Cruz.

  30. On the day Trump wins, most of those horrible things will happen just the same. I’m voting for Trump, only because he is just a little bit better than Hillary, but then again, so is Vermin Supreme. Why can’t the GOP field someone who is a whole lot better than the Democrat alternative, and not someone who is only a little bit better (e.g. McCain and Romney).

  31. “Be nice to Cruz you LOFO voters or I’m not voting for Trump.”
    “Be nice to me you LOFO voters or I’m not voting for Trump.”
    Where have I heard this before?

    “Be (fill in the blank) you (fill in the blank) or I’m not going to (fill in the blank.)”

    Hmmm. I’ll let others fill in the blanks so I don’t lead people by the nose, that would be unfair.

    Speaking of being led by the nose.
    I wonder how many of the”‘hi-fo” voters would be so outraged with Trump’s “meanness” towards a La Raza judge if not told to be outraged by others?

    I wonder how many “hi-fo” voters would be taking the side of Michelle Fields when she said she was nearly THROWN TO THE GROUND after approaching Trump if not told to do so?
    The level of outrage displayed by the “hi-fos” was absolutely darling after being requested to ramp up the outrage.
    Did the cookie taste good, or was the pat on the head better?

    It was alarmingly easy for the handlers to get their moro- I mean high information voters- to get outraged with Trump for attacking a soldier, especially when he never attacked that soldier. He went after the father, a Muslim practicing Taqiyya, for erecting a human shield, a dead soldier, in order to attack Trump – a tack we on the right normally see right through and despise. (Think Cindy Sheehan.) But in this case the “high-information” voter was obliging when told to become outraged, and this time they were defending a Muslim.

    How many of the “high-information” voters, on their own, would be telling Trump to “shut the fuck up, talk issues, stay on message and act Presidential for lets see maybe a week then I will vote for him”?

    What is it that Trump has done in the last week that would cause you to contemplate whether it would be better to allow Hillary to win?

    You see, I am not lofo, my friend. I’m pretty good at being able to step back and see an overall picture of the current state of affairs, objectively, as if I’m an alien from space.

    And in you, I see a lemming, conditioned to say things out of all proportion, things you would probably not say on your own if not told to feel that way.

    What has Trump said or done since he’s won the nomination that you personally feel are deal breakers that would cause you to go out on a public forum, such as this, and say he’d better clean that up or else you’re not voting for him?

    Remember now, you can’t say “he’s a secret progressive!!!!!” or any vague bullshit charge or grievance from long ago.
    These will be examples of what he’s said “week to week” from when he’s won the nomination, that has cause you such a dilemma —> Trump or Hillary? Trump or Hillary??

    I await your answer.

  32. On the day Trump wins, most of those horrible things will happen just the same. >>>

    Most means more than half. I would like clarification .
    Please tell me the 7 things that are going to happen, just the same, the day Trump wins the presidency.

  33. Puh-leeze. It’s gets so tiring having to hear the idiot Cruz whiners. The country isn’t and wasn’t ready for a Cruz, what is so hard to understand. He blew it by trying to take on Trump, playing fast and loose with certain facts and then refusing to endorse.

    No way was he ever going to be Presdient, he knew it. Bush, Christie etc all knew it was going to be Hillary. Curz was going for the “right” win and be a hero to the huge minority that call themselves conservative in the country. He was going to continue to political elite ride they all were gunning for. He blew the chance Trump was handing him imo. Real people with real problems and realistic daily lives is what the rallies prove is the shot in the are America needs today. The change the country is behind is not going to be led by a smooth talking pretentious lawyer. The disdain for the voting public is unattractive at best, disgusting at its worst.

    Last year conservative wanted to defeat Hillary, Now the biggest mouthed sore loser so called most conservative part of the party decided that is no longer the case. Screw ’em!

  34. BFH, you know damn well that I never supported Cruz for president. Yet you take every opportunity to imply or state otherwise.
    My opposition to his election was, and is, not related to my opinion of the man, I hold him in high regard.
    I don’t believe that he, nor Barry Soetoro for that matter, meet the constitutional requirements and I hold the constitution above any man.
    There used to be two roads in American politics. Open discussion of issues and policies, the Republican road, or vitriol and emotion, the Democrat road.
    Are you really surprised that many resist walking down a road that looks like it was paved by Democrats?

  35. JohnS, OF COURSE you never supported Cruz!
    Nor Trump!

    You are the TEXTBOOK EXAMPLE of what
    a hand-wringing Leftist trying to
    sound like what he imagines a Conservative to be.

  36. Fur — This business of Cruz fans charging that Trump doesn’t stay on message is pure, unadulterated bunk. Trump and Pence are doing at least one (and typically two) major rallies (5-20K+ attendance) EACH per DAY. That’s an average of 15-20 rally appearances per week. Neither of them take more than a day off per week now. In addition to rallies, they give prime time interviews about 3-4 times each per week, GOP fundraisers on average 3-4 times each per month, 2-3 local t.v. interviews in each city they’re in and each of them carries a gaggle of reporters on most of their between function flights. Trump and Pence are the hardest working moes we’ll probably ever see in any endeavor — let alone political campaigns.

    Their message is what they are on the road delivering! That’s the product they’re selling, for crying out loud. That’s the only reason they’re flying from Virginia to Florida, to Nevada, to Colorado and Ohio and Connecticut and then getting up on Monday and doing it all over again. Anyone who believes either of them aren’t “staying on message” is either a complete moron or a liar — and probably both. There’s so much wrong with this country, there’s no freaking way Trump is going to talk this week ONLY about the economy or next week he is going to talk ONLY about national security. Are we so monumentally dense that we can only take in one subject area at a time?! “Okay, class, today we’re going to cover economics and ONLY economics. No discussing ISIS in class!”

    Here’s the deal: Whatever ginned-up criticism #Cruz2020/#NeverTrump can seize upon, they will. It’s one of the most transparent things about them.

    I said this a long time ago and reemphasized it again the day after the GOP convention: If you are still publicly criticizing Trump, you are on the other side and you are my enemy, because you are giving aid and comfort to Killery. It’s just that plain and simple. That’s how we identify and treat the enemy in wartime and this is a war, the outcome of which decides my and my children’s freedoms and liberties.

  37. Mr. Hat. I can tell what will happen on day one of a Trump presidency, he will have all of the information on the real state of our country in his hands, go oh crap it’s worse than I thought, condense that info and bring it to the people and then start the hard work of righting our sinking country.
    The congress critters and bureaucrats are the ones I worry about trying to undermine him and his plans,they wont give up the gravy train with out a fight, we have to have faith that Trump will keep the promises he has made to us.

  38. AA: Regarding your first paragraph. So true.

    Look, if the person/ candidate is your political enemy [emotionally] you aren’t going to really pay close enough attention to what that candidate says. You aren’t going to sit and watch their speeches, go to their website and read what they have to say or go back and watch their videos from 19__ or whenever. [This is true of both Cruz and Trump fans during the primaries. Some of them, not all.]

    Now we have a nominee, but because the snippets from the media of what Trump ‘kinda’ said or didn’t even say are good enough for them because they’re pissed their guy didn’t make it. They think the left is doing the work for them, batting Trump around, but the truth is NT is doing the work for the left. They float an air-biscuit and NT gladly takes it around the room and lets everyone take a sniff.

    I never did get an answer to who ‘THE GUY’ is for nevertrump. Commenters on the NT blogs say Cruz, but I’m seeing the talking heads on TV push for NT candidates and Cruz is never one of them. And then there are others pushing for Johnson, well, then they found out his VP is just like Hillary so back to square one, huh?
    NT can’t agree on who the NT candidate is and I’m supposed to take that group seriously? WHO is your guy, NT? Do you even know?

  39. TO AA


    1) That depends: is the boat wearing a burka or magic underwear? 😮
    2) As far as the “Trump needs to stay on message” junk goes, just remember that – if Trump DID do that – these same scumballs would be whining that Trump repeats himself over and over, and that this is proof he’s burning out. SCREW ‘EM!

  40. Czar, I started out as Trump supporter, became convinced by him and his supporters that he was a fraud, and now am going to hold my nose and vote for him as there is a chance that he will be better than the alternative.
    There are tens of millions of people wearing these same shoes.
    THAT is why the race is so close.
    Cruz has over 9 million ardent supporters, yet hardly a day goes by without Trump supporters insulting them and calling them out. As a result, many, if not most, or those 9 million have more than a passing desire to sit this one out. Much the same can be said of Kasich supporters.
    The penalty for repeatedly violating the 11th commandment has almost always been failure at the ballot box.

  41. @MJA — You’ve got it. I try to make it easier for myself by just lumping anyone anti-Trump into as few buckets as possible. The #NT crowd and the #Cruz2020 crowd can be sorted into the same pile (or pile on). #NT declared their colors the day of the National Review issue (the gang of 22). Cruz and his supporters latched on to the NR message and that grew into the Levin/Beck/Hewitt/(at times)Rush and the general Salem Communications agenda. Thus began the string of #NT candidates — Romney, Paul Ryan was discussed/speculated. There were others ending with that guy who no one knew at all. Haha!

    I think Cruz was never posited because since he was already a failed candidate he’d have to run third party. Who knows? Their twelth-level chess game turned into a demonstration of chimps playing checkers.

  42. @CoD — Nope, no burkas or magic underwear. It does come with a fish finder and twin 300 Mercs. The trailer is sold separately. 😉

    Did you catch Pence’s tweet? “If Trump is losing, they’ll have to build bigger stadiums for when he’s winning!”

  43. Not only that JohnS, but many Trump supporters loudly say that they want Trump to win because Trump himself has said he will destroy Cruz once he gets into the White House and they want Cruz destroyed. Cruz is still very popular in Texas and Trump needs Texas to win. He is giving Texans an ultimatum, It’s either Trump or Cruz, but not both. Dumb, dumb move on Trump’s part.

  44. Did you catch Pence’s tweet? “If Trump is losing, they’ll have to build bigger stadiums for when he’s winning!”—

    LMAO! He got jokes. I never knew that about him til he got picked VP.

  45. Yes, it is frustrating.

    Push for Trump and get called a lofo moron.
    Attack the person calling you a lofo moron and they say that you should stick to pushing for Trump.

    I see it on this site.

    Now, of course, Menderman will show up and say he never called anyone supporting Trump a lofo and will make it all about him as if there isn’t any person in the world calling Trump supporters lofos.

    John S. will say he never supported Cruz, as if that is a showstopper and we’re supposed to fold the tents and roll out the white flag.

    Rinse. Repeat. Sigh.

    This is my gripe against snowflakes.
    They want to engage in an argument that is about broad strokes, and if you argue back in broad strokes they suddenly want to take out the triple zero brush and say any and all arguments are invalid because what you just said doesn’t specifically apply to me.

    Who gives a shit?
    It’s not about you. It’s about the overall big picture.
    I’m not interested in debating Menderman or John S and how you specifically feel about this presidential election, and understanding every particular nuance as to how you specifically feel about the topic.

    Frankly, when you engage in debate that way I just want to push you aside because I’m talking about the big picture.

  46. Funny.
    I’m seeing people who say they’re not nevertrump get mad because they think someone’s making fun of them for being nevertrump, even though they’re not and no one said THEY were. But they’re still angry because…
    Makes sense. lol

    See you guys on another thread. lolol

  47. MJA — They should run the 3 or 4 they were considering into the ‘Nobody voted for you’ Party.

    Oh, that’s funny! Is that kind of like “The Rent is Too Damn High” party?

    Crazy politics!

  48. Texas Tribune-

    The discussion about Cruz’s 2018 prospects comes as his popularity at home continues to take a hit following his unsuccessful presidential campaign. Thirty-nine percent of likely voters told PPP they approve of the job Cruz is doing, while 48 percent said they do not and 13 percent were unsure.

    Furthermore, a majority of Texas Republicans said they did not prefer Cruz as their presidential nominee. Fifty-two percent expressed a preference for Donald Trump, who vanquished Cruz in the primaries, and 38 percent for Cruz. The junior senator from Texas won the state’s Republican presidential primary with 44 percent of the vote.
    A new poll suggests there is at least one fellow Republican who could unseat U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz in 2018: Rick Perry.

    The former Texas governor would beat Cruz by 9 percentage points, according to the forthcoming survey from the Democratic-leaning firm Public Policy Polling.

    Cruz’s re-election campaign dismissed the poll as meaningless.

  49. Big Fur Hat, if you have been paying attention at all you know that I am supporting Trump.>>

    I’ve been paying attention and you seem to show up on every NeverTrump post with the advice to lay off of NeverTrump people.

    I appreciate your concern, but I would much more impressed if you went to NeverTrump sites and gave the advice that they should stop ratfucking Trump.

    Also, you can’t have it both ways.
    You can’t claim that NeverTrump is insignificant in numbers to matter, and then get all concern trolly that my tack is not going to sway them to my side.

    At most, what I’m engaging in is futile and simply satisfies my own peccadilloes.
    Why does it bother you so?
    Do I get annoyed at your hobbies?

  50. Thanks Menderman. Looked it up, destroy? A tad dramatic don’t you think. Cruz gave his best shot, which was not endorsing so Trump fired a shot back. If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen

  51. TO JohnS

    Ahh!! The old Leftist
    SHUT UP or I and millions won’t vote

    Your illogic and irrationality persuade no one,
    but ARE quite revealing.

  52. Aggie, in a press conference after the convention Trump said he was going to set up a super PAC to defeat Ted Cruz in 2018.>>

    Let’s review.
    Cruz chums up to Trump during primary in order to not be eaten by the alligator.
    Says he’s a great guy with a great platform. He even adopts quite a bit of the platform, getting more “muscular” than Trump in regards to Islam and illegal immigration when he figured out these were the number one and two issues resonating for Trump.
    Then Cruz leaks a private conversation where he’s telling supporters Trump is a clown and a moron and he’s only chumming up because it’s a smart political thing to do.

    A Cruz Super Pac releases an ad ahead of the Utah primary implying Melania is a whore and porno model.

    Cruz doesn’t condemn the ad.

    Trump responds with a side by side pic of Melania and Heidi.

    Trump is branded the scumbag.

    Once Cruz publicly branded Trump the scumbag, he went full throttle.

    Trump responded by retweeting a National Enquirer tweet about Cruz’s father being in Oswald’s Fair Play for Cuba photo.

    (It was stupid. I think he should have stuck to hard facts about Cruz’s father – that he’s a charlatan who makes money off of “ministries.”)

    Trump’s tweets get under Cruz’s craw and he waits it out until the convention in order to time his spitball perfectly.

    Well, it’s not like Trump is out of spitballs and Cruz in any position to demand a ceasefire, is he?

    Cruz gets to try and take down the last candidate standing between Hillary and the white house and we’re supposed to really give a shit if Trump says Cruz should be primaried?

    Why should Cruz care?
    He’s going to be the president in 2020, no?

    Does he need the senate to fall back on? He’s a fucking lock for 2020.
    I’ve been told that I must allow Hillary to win because Cruz is a sure thing in 2020.
    Who cares if some douchebag loser puts together a pac to defeat Cruz? It can’t stop Cruz.

  53. >> keep attacking Cruz while your candidate is facing a landslide defeat >>>

    You see, you can’t hide your lying ways for long.
    I’m not an idiot.

    A: Trump is characterized as MY candidate.
    B: Your paramount goal is defending Cruz not seeing that Hillary lose at all costs.
    C: You gladly repeat the bullshit defeatist claim that Trump is going down in a landslide, 3 months out before a single debate has happened.

    You may respond to this and defend yourself in particular.
    But I have more—>

    You are not at all going to enjoy my anti-Cruz agitprop. Not at all.
    And my reasoning behind producing it is going to be as unhinged and irrational as those who are helping Hillary.
    I have precedent to point to.

    Cruz is going to go down in a landslide.
    I regret that it will happen, but I will also be creating the atmosphere to ensure that it will happen.
    I will also tell everyone that I am supporting Cruz by not voting for the guy who runs against him.
    And I won’t not be supporting Cruz, if that charge is leveled at me, because I will not be voting for whoever it is running against Cruz as I make fun of Cruz, and mock anyone supporting Cruz.

    Now, quick, refute my arguments by saying something about yourself. My points are invalid because YOU’RE voting for Trump, or some other stupid personal thing that applies to only you, therefore everything I wrote is moot.

  54. I get it, you’re butt hurt by what Cruz did. Get over it because it is not helping Trump. On that same article you linked I have seen avid Trumpers from Texas going after each others throats because many want Cruz to remain a senator while others want “Lyin Ted” permanently defeated and sent back to Canada. That kind of strife does not help Trump, it helps Hiliary. We need to focus on what helps Trump, OK?

  55. Menderman you’re wrong. That strife is not hurting Trump at all. How can you keep missing the obvious? Any one still bruising because Cruz imploded are the fuel that keep the Trump momentum going. Living in the past and the status quo is not in fashion this election cycle. Neither is the typical politics as usual distortions. 1) Trump vows to destroy Trump (not) 2) Trump needs Cruz to somehow deliver TX (not) etc etc etc…

  56. I guess my image would have been perfectly acceptable had I not included the Cruz button on the guy?

    But the Cruz button is included to reflect reality.

    “Reality has a butthurt bias.” – bfh

  57. If you support Trump over Hillary, then support Trump. Stop undermining the effort.

    It’s like a “Christian” trying to stab you with a knife while telling you,”I’m a Christian, I have good morals!”

    The reason you keep having to remind everyone that you “support Trump” is cause your words betray you.

    Join the fight! Help Trump defeat Clinton!

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