Hillary promises to tax the rich to pay for multibillion-dollar progressive agenda – IOTW Report

Hillary promises to tax the rich to pay for multibillion-dollar progressive agenda

WT: Seeking to paint rival Donald Trump as an ally of Wall Street and Democrats as champions for the middle class, Hillary Clinton on Wednesday touted an economic plan that relies heavily on tax increases for major U.S. companies, Wall Street firms and rich Americans.

At a rally in Cleveland, Mrs. Clinton made no bones about the fact that her tax platform centers on raising more revenue to pay for billions of dollars in new spending, including her plan to offer free college to virtually all Americans, make one of the largest investments in history in infrastructure, raise the national minimum wage and underwrite other progressive goals.

Mrs. Clinton and her running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, tried to contrast their approach with that of Mr. Trump and congressional Republicans. The Democratic duo painted Mr. Trump as a heartless businessman whose own tax plan would funnel more breaks to his wealthy friends and institute loopholes benefiting corporations, while leaving middle-class families out in the cold.

The former first lady also vowed never to raise taxes on the middle class — a reversal from her time in the Senate, when she voted to hike taxes on Americans making just over $40,000 — but made clear the rich will be in her crosshairs if she makes it to the Oval Office.  MORE

15 Comments on Hillary promises to tax the rich to pay for multibillion-dollar progressive agenda

  1. Same old BS – tax the rich and invest in the infrastructure. Yah!
    Translation – while we kill what is left of the private sector you can have a job working on roads or sewers and I’ll make sure you make $12 an hour. Or better yet, just stay home w/your section 8, EBT card, disability, ObamaCare, free college and day care! I’ll keep you subsisting as long as you vote Dem.

  2. If my itemized deductions includes a donation to The Clinton Foundation, will I actually have to speak with something from the IRS about my return, or can I just email them my “Ha, ha”?

  3. same old party same old play book.

    promise free shit and deliver misery.

    once you take all the wealth out of the economy what will be left that you can use to create more jobs with?

    how long will the nation stand once the only jobs available are government jobs. if every one works for the government who will create the wealth used to pay taxes.

    at this point this old play is insanity. spoken by an insane bitch.

  4. Ah the siren song of envy.

    The plain fact is that if you taxed the top 5% ers, 100% of their gross worth, you couldn’t operate the Federal Gov’t for a month on the proceeds.

    HRC knows it. Trump knows it. Every-fucking-body who can do math knows it.

    This is how the Wilsonian Socialists (Progressives) deceived the nation into the 16th Amendment in the first place – they promised that they would ONLY tax those who made over $50,000 (then, a King’s ransom) per year at 1%. They lied then, they’re lying now.
    Socialism is a fabric of lies, founded upon lies, propounded by liars.

    The song says: “Don’t get fooled again!” – but that’s just wishful thinking.

    Great segments of society WANT to be fooled – WANT to be lied to – WANT to hide their heads and hope for some miracle – that somehow, someway, things just turn out OK like in the movies.

    Good luck with that!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. When Hillary shouts from the roof tops that she will tax the “rich” it is clearly with a “wink-wink” toward Wall Street. If economic man truly invests their money in their best interest why would Wall Street rush to give great bundles of cash to Bill, Hillary and the Clinton Foundation crime machine if it was not to pay their dues. The rates may go up for the “rich” but the cash flow will come from elsewhere farther downstream.
    If all the wealth of the wealthy was confiscated it would not be sufficient to pay-off the national debt and, as Tim points out above, taxing at 100% would not float the bloated government very long indeed

  6. Want to scare the crap out of the rich?
    Suggest dropping the income tax and instituting a 3% across the board wealth tax.
    It would generate about 1-1/2 times the revenue the income tax does and there would be no more freeloaders and their foundations.

  7. I’ve read elsewhere that Hillary’s scheme would increase my Federal taxes by $6,000 yearly.

    I am struggling like Hell to make ends meet. Another $230 from each bi-weekly check will absolutely doom me. I will be homeless. At that point, I will have to offer my services as a live-in personal chef to Fur.

    Cheer up, Fur, it’s be a win-win. You’ve never tasted my Irish granny’s Manhattan Clam Chowder.

    On second, perhaps Moe Tom would have an interest in my services?

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