Metallica’s Latest: “We’re so f*ck, sh*t out of luck” – IOTW Report

Metallica’s Latest: “We’re so f*ck, sh*t out of luck”

This new song from Metallica best summarizes how I’m feeling this morning after reading threads hijacked by the Trump naysayers last night.


(caution: it is Metallica, so NSFW lyrics and speed metal that will melt your face if you sit too close).

Only I’d change the chorus to something like this

Stop whining so much

I don’t give a F*ck

I’m voting for Donald Trump.


18 Comments on Metallica’s Latest: “We’re so f*ck, sh*t out of luck”

  1. Did you see the comments from the Post writers?
    One guy, hair styled using the cum dripping off his chin as a hair product, totally stupid looking beard, disrespecting his elders.
    Could they have hired a more stereotypical gay hipster?

  2. thx obama

    obama has one great skill


    in the end, he will be pulled into the abyss we know as hell, and he will be arguing with the devil, but the mojo will be nowhere to be found

  3. I always hate it when IOTWR links to a NY Post article, because it hangs me up every time with “ is not responding due to a long-running script”, or something similar (if I even get a message at all). Sometimes it will come back after a few minutes; sometimes I have to cancel out of IOTWR entirely and start over again. It only seems to happen with NY Post stuff.


  4. “…after reading threads hijacked by the Trump naysayers…”
    – Dr Tar

    Yeah, they’re real precious snowflakes, ain’t they?!?
    Come to a pro-Trump site, spew their defeatism,
    then cry “victim!” when people here pile on them.

    THEY are the reason the term
    came about.

  5. Tired of the Anti Trump Rino Republican Wannabe Clinton supporters.
    Take your bogus phony principles and shove it.
    Cruz could never beat mrs clinton.
    Most people can’t stand his self righteous bull shit.
    She would have a 30 point lead over him by now.

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