Vermont Politicians Heading To Cuba To Learn About Their Governance – IOTW Report

Vermont Politicians Heading To Cuba To Learn About Their Governance

Look at this pony-tailed douchewang. No, not just the moron socialist holding the mic, the communist in the back.

Two Vermont legislators who are strong supporters of state gun control laws are headed for Cuba for pointers.




Vermont state lawmakers are heading to Cuba to glean insights from the communist country’s approaches to education, health care and the environment.

“I’ve always wanted to go to Cuba,” said state Rep. Mary Sullivan, D-Burlington. “It would be interesting to see the place and look at their educational system, agriculture and health care.”

Sullivan, the lawmaker organizing the delegation, invited every member of the Vermont General Assembly to make the 1,500-mile trek to Havana the week of Town Meeting Day in March. Lawmakers are on break during that week of the 2017 legislative session.

“It’s a learning experience, so we’d go down there to learn,” she said.

According to Sullivan’s itinerary, lawmakers will “learn about governance in a unique developing country that espouses socially based solutions and community centered ideals.”

State Sen. David Zuckerman, a Progressive endorsed by Bernie Sanders, and the Democratic Party’s nominee for lieutenant governor, said he welcomed the travel opportunity.

“I think going to Cuba, just like going to many other places to learn about different systems, cultures and policies, is probably a good idea. They have some of the best primary health care in the world and there are things we could learn from them,” he said.

Other state lawmakers were appalled at Sullivan’s invitation.

“Cuba’s a communist country and I don’t want anything do with it,” said state Rep. Thomas Terenzini, R-Rutland Town. “I’ll let the socialist Democrats and Progressives spend their money in a communist country.”


These are gun grabbers going to Cuba.

Here’s their spin on gun grabbing –

“We’re not taking away any rights,” said Shap Smith, the outgoing speaker of the House of Representatives who is running for the lieutenant governor’s office. “We’re giving people their lives.”

HT/ Sam S.

20 Comments on Vermont Politicians Heading To Cuba To Learn About Their Governance

  1. I still have family connections in VT, hence I’m obligated to visit a couple of times a year. Beautiful terrain, other than that I have no use for the place. I didn’t think it possible but it gets effing weirder each visit.
    Last trip in July, I called for taxi transport to airport and I always take the 6 a.m. flight out of there as Burlington INTERNATIONAL Airport TSA are real militant about “the rules”, so I figure lemme blow a gasket first thing in the morning and then get on with my day.

    Typical, the City of Burlington radical Eco-planners thought it a good idea to rid the city of gas guzzling taxi cabs and rolled out a “fleet” of “green hybrid” cabs.

    Eye roll, heeeere we go.

    Dispatch: Hello, Burlington Taxi Service
    Me: yes, could you tell me your fare from xxxxx to the airport?
    Dispatch: uh, mmmmm, uh, (phone muffled), uh well that depends on which route we take.
    Me: how ’bout the shortest route?
    Dispatch: SIlence. Thinking. Thinking.
    Me: ok never mind, it is what it is. I have a 6 a.m. flight so I need a 4:30 pick up.
    Dispatch: 4:30 in the morning???!!!!!
    Me: eye roll, deep inhale, slow exhale. Yes, 4:30 in the morning.
    Dispatch: well, I don’t know if we have anybody up that early.

    I hate these narco Eco hipsters

  2. Yeah, ponytailed, radical chic. A look that’s 50 yrs old and of a philosophy even more moldy. Somebody needs to tell these guys they are no longer the hip, edgy dudes on the edge of societal change. They are the establishment and it is waaaaay worse than the one they strove to rid us of. Spock! Scissors.

  3. Vermont just ended it’s 3 year attempt to have a single payer system. Financial reality hit. The legislature would have needed to raise the new payroll tax an additional 11.5% and personal income tax would have gone up an additional 9.5%. It almost doubled their budget and still would gone back to a deficit in 4 years which would require more tax raises.

    Yeah, those Green Mountain commies, but they saw the light.

    Now my old home of CO is poised to do the same. Only they’ve come right out and said they are in fact going to more then double the state’s budget, from $25B to over $50B! the first year with a new 10% payroll tax and big bumps in the personal income tax. Unlike Vermont, no exemptions and all private medical insurance will be illegal. The medical care will be run by a 10 person board(wanna bet they never will have to wait for a doctor’s appointment?).

    The initiative is leading by about 8 points and is expected to easily pass! Want legal reefer in your state? Knock yourself out.

    I guess the CO legislators, when looking at Vermont’s failed try, are going to smell and love the same Unicorn farts the VT legislators will be smelling in Cuba.

    REgressives, doubling down on stupid for over a 100 years.

  4. Why spend all that money to visit a communist country when they can just travel to Chicago to see how gun confiscation really hurts the people.
    Say hi to Che-Emanuel when you get there.

  5. Their inability to acknowledge that Cuba is an island prison and the Cuban people prisoners makes them one of two things: evil or stupid. In either case, these politicians need to be treated as a genuine threat to our freedom and dealt with appropriately.

  6. Oakey Dokey then… so after about a century and a half of industrial, medical and social advancement on a scale never before seen before on this planet let’s just roll it all backwards so we can learn how to roll cigars in the dirt to buy a loaf of bread… if you can find one!
    Go to Hell Commies!

  7. They should ask to visit the wonderful government-run prisons, to see how well they are run compared to the private contractor hellhole prisons in the US.

    Michael Moore, call your agent. This could be your ticket back.

  8. While you’re down there Mr. ponytail be sure and ask around what happens when you let it be known you disagree with the government and just how many years you would probably get in the hellhole prison for it.

  9. Look, you guys can recreate Cuba without leaving Vermont. First, pass legislation mandating that you get free first class housing, food, transportation and clothing. Then ban further elections so you can enjoy these things for free forever. Establish a socialized medical system where you have first call on real doctors, medicine and hospitals, and encourage holistic medicine and “walk it off” medicine for ordinary folk.

    Ban all guns except for police and local military, and then shoot anyone who disagrees with you. Import ordinary Vermonters to tend your gardens, grow your food, and maintain your house and pay them $1 a day. Force people to pay you bribes for ordinary services. Repress any newspapers, radio or television that castes anything you do in a negative light. Build a wall around your border to…ahem…keep others out. (Hey, why are the guards with guns looking in?)

    Most importantly, blow 95% of your budget publicizing how wonderful your system is. There you go – Cuba in your own neck of the woods.

  10. Health care system is so good Castro brought doctors in from Spain to treat him and, unfortunately, he is still here. Health care system is so good Hugo Chavez from Venezuela came for treatment and died!

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