A Navy Machinist Gets 1 Year in Jail For Possessing Confidential Information – He Tried Clinton Defense In Court – IOTW Report

A Navy Machinist Gets 1 Year in Jail For Possessing Confidential Information – He Tried Clinton Defense In Court


A former Navy machinist mate who admitted taking photos inside a nuclear submarine was sentenced to a year in prison Friday, with a federal judge rebuffing a request for probation in light of authorities deciding not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information on a private email server as secretary of state.

Kristian Saucier’s attorneys argued in a court filing last week that Clinton had been “engaging in acts similar to Mr. Saucier” with information of much higher classification. It would be “unjust and unfair for Mr. Saucier to receive any sentence other than probation for a crime those more powerful than him will likely avoid,” attorney Derrick Hogan wrote.

U.S. District Judge Stefan Underhill sentenced Saucier to one year in prison and a $100 fine, along with six months home confinement, 100 hours of community service and a ban on owning guns, his legal team says. Prosecutors had asked for six years behind bars.

Saucier pleaded guilty earlier this year to one count of unlawfully retaining national defense information after taking six photos inside the USS Alexandria with his cellphone in 2009. Saucier said he intended to show them to his future children, but prosecutors said they doubted that was true.

 The photos were deemed “confidential,” the lowest level for classification.

By contrast, an FBI investigation found Clinton’s private email server contained at least 110 emails with classified information. The probe found eight email chains with “top secret” information, 36 with “secret” information and eight with confidential information.

Clinton was not charged with a crime, but FBI Director James Comey said last monthher conduct was “extremely careless.” Comey also said three emails on Clinton’s private server contained markings indicating they contained “confidential” information.


12 Comments on A Navy Machinist Gets 1 Year in Jail For Possessing Confidential Information – He Tried Clinton Defense In Court

  1. “EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW”-These words, written above the main entrance to the Supreme Court Building, should be placed in the Smithsonian under glass.

    I am not advocating that the former Navy machinist mate not be incarcerated. I am advocating that Hillary must be treated equally engaging in similar acts under the very same law.

  2. In order that a law be “just” it must be universally applicable.

    If it is not universally applicable, it is not “just.”

    America has moved from the idea of “general” or “universal” law to a more “particulate” law, that is, law designed for the many; excluding the few – as in “insider trading” (which exempts politicians), “hate” crimes (which only apply to white people). and national security (penalizing members of the Armed Forces while excusing politicians).

    This is not a dangerous slope to descend, as we’re already at the bottom – the damage is done – and, as Americans, we’re too fucking stupid to acknowledge it – thus allowing it to continue and expand – much to our eventual chagrin.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It’s all fun and games, or better yet, OKIE DOKE,
    until the last straw when the entire country erupts in flames and explosions.

    Even Hillary better pray Trump wins, since he’s apparently the only person in politics who wants to fix this country and keep it going

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