Overweight Girl With No Talent Sues High School Saying Injury Sustained There Prevented Her From Stardom – IOTW Report

Overweight Girl With No Talent Sues High School Saying Injury Sustained There Prevented Her From Stardom

I’m not where I want to be in life. It must be somebody else’s fault.

I’ll sue. I’ll sue everybody.


An Ontario judge has dismissed a lawsuit from a teen (the girl is obviously not a teen. She went to high school in 2005 – bfh) who partially blamed her former high school for dashing her dreams of becoming a dancer and actress.

Justice David Edwards of the Superior Court of Justice dismissed Peters’ claim in full, repeatedly describing her testimony as unreliable and her career hopes as “speculation.”

Edwards accepted the testimony of various doctors saying Peters’ current disability has more to do with her current weight than with a sports injury sustained in 2005.

Edwards also cited Peters’ failure to pursue classes or training to further her prospective performing arts career.

“The lack of preparation by her meant that her dream remained only a dream. It was mere speculation.”

Edwards also pointed to times at which Peters’ evidence was contradicted by third-party documents, such as school and hospital records that indicate her recollection of key dates was faulty.

For instance, Peters claimed missing weeks of class after sustaining her injury, while documents from the school suggest she missed only a handful of courses the day afterwards.

Those documents, in turn, tally with provincial health records showing she sought treatment at the hospital on that day, a fact Peters had denied.

In dismissing Peters’ lawsuit and declining to award damages, Edwards was blunt in his assessment: “I find that there is no reason to calculate the differential between the earnings of an actor, dancer and singer to what occupations Ms. Peters can now likely attain.”


ht/ nm

This gal, however, has some strong knees-

18 Comments on Overweight Girl With No Talent Sues High School Saying Injury Sustained There Prevented Her From Stardom

  1. My best friend danced professionally and now teaches dance at university. She is the only person I know who still maintains her graduation weight–110 lbs. at 5’4.”

    One year she had to sit out dancing for a few weeks because of a sprained ankle. She gained 5 lbs. during her recuperation, and had to go on a crash diet because even that small amount of weight caused her movement to be less fluid and graceful.

    Honey, there’s NO way you could have been a dancer,

  2. Talk about unfair.
    The “Women’s” 800 Meter final in the Olympics was just won by a man.
    The poor five white women had no chance as one African man and two African women took first, second, and third.

    Yea! Gender freedom!
    Suck on that progtards!

  3. Well, the fat gal shouldn’t feel so bad, hundreds on American Idol never made it. Well, they made it to the worst auditions ever on you tube. Some I felt sorry for and others – well I had no pity on them whatsoever. The judge used common sense in her case.

  4. I have no room to talk.
    I just baked a cake that had 1 1/2 lbs of chocolate, 2+ lbs of sugar, 3 cups of heavy cream, 2 cups of half half, 2+ sticks of butter

    Who am I to judge?

    Of course I didn’t eat it all in one sitting either.

  5. Bill, I know 250+ men that can press you over their head, and run you down with a 50 yard lead.
    Watch football, you will see some of them in action.
    As to the women, unless they are 6’3″, yes.

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