Anthony Brian Logan – The Left’s Biggest Nightmare – IOTW Report

Anthony Brian Logan – The Left’s Biggest Nightmare

Logan discusses Trump’s Dimondale Speech.

Not only is Logan’s condemnation of the progressive’s culpability in the ruination of the black community devastating, the comments on this YouTube video are encouraging.

ht/ all too much


17 Comments on Anthony Brian Logan – The Left’s Biggest Nightmare

  1. And the old Republican party thought they were doing good if they got only 12% of the black vote. Cripes! They never talked to blacks seriously about any of this stuff — treated them just like the children the D’s do.

  2. AA, and the Old Republican Party, part of the Uni Party, would not broach this subject. Mitt wouldn’t, But now Mitts running his own Mormon retard trying to save the Mormon Church’s cash flow. Follow the money.

  3. Anyone who has watched the Olympic games will have noticed the medal winners that happen to be black are all intelligent, respectful human beings. Non of them are thugs.
    Many blacks consider this acting white.
    That is the most demeaning thing you can say to a successful person. Think about that statement. Wow, you are acting white.
    Thing is, you never hear whites telling blacks they are acting white.

  4. This guy is awesome. I bet he even knows how to spell “per se” correctly.

    Gladly trade several in-laws for him being friend of mien.

    Seriously. Who do I need to call to make that deal?

    What’s with the professional mic? Is he in the radio biz?

  5. Corona – The black community needs to wake the hell up and work for prosperity.
    Voting for Trump gives them the opportunity to do that!
    DemocRats and the Øbamboozler in particular have done nothing but take the path of least resistance by convincing Blacks that you can somehow spend someone else’s money into prosperity.
    This you CANNOT do. It won’t work. It has never worked.
    It is a path to failure, guaranteed.
    It is the path to Venezuela!
    This man Anthony has his head screwed on straight!

  6. As for the problem of fatherless homes being such a high percentage, I would like to see Trump develop an incentive plan making intact families more attractive for all concerned.

    Currently, intact families are discouraged from forming altogether by our gov..

    You could say the gov has paid moms to not have a father in the home. It is more profitable to have sperm donors.

    We need dis-incentives for what is happening and incentives for a healthy family unit.

  7. “If the MSM covered Anthony Brian Logan’s remarks on prime time maybe, just maybe, some blacks would listen. If. ” – Moe Tom

    If only those two letters at the end of your post weren’t so impossible. As long as they keep breathing at msnbc et al, at least.

  8. When addressing black families not having a father figure to properly raise those children, it occurred to me: two of the last three Presidents were raised in a fatherless household. No wonder we are in such dire straits as a nation!

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