Crooked Bernie – IOTW Report

Crooked Bernie

There’s something stinkin’ in the failed Sanders campaign. There’s campaign money missing and it might just have gone back to the Sanders, explaining their purchase of a new house.


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13 Comments on Crooked Bernie

  1. So you mean old Bern is a grifter? On the take? A sell-out in spite of his constant statements to the contrary? A sheister like Cankles? Who would have thought?? /sarc off.

  2. Good grief, I’m still trying to figure out how, on their incomes, they were able to run up $165,000 in credit card debt. For me, living the way I live, that amount works out to about 21 years worth of groceries at today’s prices. Or 12 years of maintenance and mortgage on my apartment.

    Sum ting wong. I think they may have the same overentitlement complex that Hillary has.

  3. Knowing DC like we do, one has to wonder what the odds are that this grift didn’t go down. Pols have been using their campaign donations like their personal fun funds for years. A light laundering and they’re golden. Sadly, nothing new here except the level of hypocrisy as we gleefully watch his dumbass, gullible donors “feel the Bern.”

  4. Maybe he’ll declare the new home his “campaign headquarters” and be able to claim it against his run for office. Or perhaps he’ll call it a storage facility for all his records, receipts and bills from his campaign.

    I’m sure the Obama administration couldn’t be less uninterested how a Dem spends any of those campaign funds.

  5. Bernie & Janie: A Love Story. How two shyster’s fell in love, and through one common goal enriched themselves off the gullible.

    Look, the info was out there. He wasn’t a harmless hobo riding the rails, waxing romantic of the fabric of this great land. He was a stone cold communist. The moron got kicked out of a commune for God sakes for lack of contributing manual labor. He opined his oratory skills were as valuable as chopping wood.

    Poor Jane, managed to bankrupt a college (although no great loss), plunging them into insurmountable debt with a $10 mil land purchase from the Catholic diocese. It’s pretty hard to piss off the nuns, but she managed when she do-si-do’d out the door with a $200K severance package.

    Bernie used to frequent an eating establishment in town prior to being elected as Mayor of Burlington. Cheapskate that he is, he’d order a cup of coffee, tie up a table for hours at a time, annoying everyone within earshot with his “profundities”. The only tip he’d leave were the boogers under the tabletop.

    As my granny used to say,” these people are so cheap, they wouldn’t pay 10 cents to see Jesus Christ ride a bicycle”.

  6. I hope the watchdog groups keep a close eye on how “the Bern” reports this on his taxes. Betting he won’t pay a dime on the million+$s he absconded, then maybe Trump’s IRS can go after him, his shyster wife, the Clintoons, the AlGores, and Barky. Then a ‘proper’ US Attorney General can prosecute these thieves for the maximum sentences. If it brought down Al Capone, maybe it will work for these ‘low rent’ outhouse scumbags. Barky better NOT start issuing pardons in advance! Damned fcuktoad pantywaisted twat.

  7. The DNC probably sweetened the pot (leftover campaign cash) to get an endorsement at their convention.

    We may well find out what candidates can spend such money on.

    If they can use it for travel, food, and entertainment; that might just pay for a house. Or maybe his wife got paid handsomely by the campaign? Heck, maybe he did?

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