Remember When Martyr Barack Obama Had a Plant Ask “Why Do People Hate You? – IOTW Report

Remember When Martyr Barack Obama Had a Plant Ask “Why Do People Hate You?

Remember When Martyr, Barack Obama, Had a Plant Ask “Why Do People Hate You?,” As If The Concept Was Inconceivable?

Well, Here’s One Good Reason.

19 Comments on Remember When Martyr Barack Obama Had a Plant Ask “Why Do People Hate You?

  1. Strange, that comparison, applies to both Barky and Cankles. Must be something in the DNC koolaide. “Shut the F up and drink your grape juice,” as spoken by Jim Jones at Jonestown, Guyana.

  2. I find it very easy to hate someone that hates the very country that has given him unlimited options and opportunities.
    It’s unfathomable that anyone could despise a country that has given the best this world has to offer and then want to destroy that same country.

  3. Ya know somethin’? I was never, ever, a racist. But now I think I’m becoming one. God forgive me. But Barack Husain Obama and his covey of scumbags have driven me to the brink. I hope Trump gets elected with 65 percent of the black vote. Then I will feel normal again.

  4. Brevity is the soul of wit. Well done.

    Every single reason why Obama is hated has no more han four degrees of separation from a golf cart. You got a binder full of Obama golf pictures? there is a different infuriating Obama story behind each one. But a single picture of his charred husk on the fairway after a lightning strike would make up for them all.

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