Questioning… – IOTW Report


Because this hasn’t happened yet—->God

(Image based on a comment by Thirdtwin)

32 Comments on Questioning…

  1. Well, it didn’t happen to all of the other dictators and thugs, so why would it happen to our crown prince of darkness?

    The Castros have enjoyed a long life. Maybe Venezuelans are more fervent prayers. Asshole is going to be tormenting us for decades. If I outlive him I’ll be doing a happy dance on main street in a speedo and groucho glasses.

    It’s a good Sunday happy thought, though.

  2. It does happen though. If you read “the War of the Jews” by Josephus the night before Herod was going to burn the Jews alive in the Hippodrome he died. So there’s that.

  3. Gods sandbagging him. Gods got a plan for him, and rest assured, no matter how powerful Bury thinks he is, nothing he does will change Gods plan.

    heh heh

  4. As much as I think it will be so much better when he is no longer in the WH. Barry’s not the problem. He’s just the major symptom of the problem.

    The problem is a population that elected him, the first time legitimately, may elect another similar to him, and that elected bunch who had the duty to kick him out of office and try him for treason. But those soft boiled eggs may have gotten a spine if the population threatened to fire them for dereliction of duty.

  5. A lot of bad things out there to drive people closer to God.

    It’s up to us what kind of heaven we make here. He aint a zookeeper.

    Everything bad out here is a part of free will. If you couldn’t choose evil what choice is there then?

    That said, what are we to do about this dog pooping on our lawn.

  6. I think obama is Gods punishment for us.

    after all we did allow the leftist in out country to abort over 50 million of our least protected.

    you didn’t think that would go unnoticed did you?

  7. People are not a determining factor when it comes to where or when lightning strikes, it’s the location that matters.

    My place gets hit by lightning several times a year. There is a lot of iron in the ground, and it’s on a hill.

    So here’s my offer: I will trade my place for equal acreage of Montana mountain property so that the buyer can put in a golf course and name it “BarryLand”, or whateverthehell. Then all you have to do is get the son of a bitch to golf there on a cloudy day. Invite Hillary too.

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