Bachmann: I’m Advising Trump on Foreign Policy – IOTW Report

Bachmann: I’m Advising Trump on Foreign Policy

Donald Trump’s first campaign visit to Minnesota drew dozens of protesters and several supporters willing to pay up to $10,000 for the chance to hear the Republican presidential candidate speak at the Minneapolis Convention Center. [snip]

Before the event, former Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said she has been advising Trump on foreign policy and issues of concern to Christian conservatives. She said Trump is right to call for more restrictive immigration policies.

“He also recognizes there is a threat around the world, not just here in Minnesota, of radical Islam,” she said. “I wish our President Obama also understood the threat of radical Islam and took it seriously.”

Bachmann serves on an advisory board on faith and culture for Trump. There was significance to his visit beyond fundraising, she said.

“I think the fact he is here is Minnesota says that he’s intending to play in Minnesota. He’s intending to play in all 50 states, and I think that’s good that he’s doing that,” said Bachmann.

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She was in several House committees including the House intelligence committee and Homeland Security committee. I have always been impressed with her knowledge about foreign policy.

16 Comments on Bachmann: I’m Advising Trump on Foreign Policy

  1. If she is on the team then all the better. She was pointing out Huma’s radical Islam ties before it was fashionable and when the hate kicked in she did not back down.

  2. Of course there are other advisors. But Bachmann was at the tip of the spear aimed at Huma Abedin before anyone else dared. I bet she’s got one specific job to do for Trump, and he wants the Clinton campaign to know that.

  3. I totally agree with Bad_Brad. This is a good thing. The more targets you give the clintoons, the more they start shooting. America will see how vitriolic (as eaten up with sulfuric acid) Cankles and SickWillie are.

  4. She was at EVERY Tea Party rally in DC and always gave an excellent speech. She was adamantly against obummercare and for a border wall. She said that gas would be at $2 per gallon if the cartel wasn’t manipulating global supply.
    She also said she would limit her time in DC and she honored that commitment by not running in the last election that she would have won easily.

  5. She was “Crazy” because the RINO’s called her that after she went off on Huma and the muslim brotherhood and the fact that she said there are islam apologists in congress. Well? Tell me where she’s wrong.
    She isn’t.

  6. I understand where Tsunami and Ventura are coming from. All you Bachmann supporters are also 100% correct too. She is a great conservative, a great (former) congresswoman and really an inspiration with her foster work. BUTTTTT she’s been tainted by the lib press. I think all her time trying to argue on MSNBC painted a HUGE target on her where every dem thinks she’s crazyeyes batshit. However, if her announcing will get under Huma’s skin, then well played indeed!

  7. Have you forgotten that Bachmann was taken down by the GAY left and GAY loving media? She openly opposed gay marriage and was a devout Christian. The most vile comments came from bill marher, that vile pig dan savage, and jon stewart!
    They can only stand hollywood whores and tramps with venereal disease.
    If only she’d won the presidency. Just think everything would be 180 of what it is now.
    Oh; and please note it SAYS RIGHT THERE SHE’S ON A BOARD not alone.
    Anyone who bashes Bachmann isn’t worth the air they breathe.

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