Unfit For Commander-In-Chief – IOTW Report

Unfit For Commander-In-Chief

Remember when Hillary said Islam is not our adversary?

She’s an idiot.

13 Comments on Unfit For Commander-In-Chief

  1. Donald Trump isn’t a politician — he’s a one-man wrecking ball against our dysfunctional and corrupt establishment. We’re about to see the deluxe version of the left’s favorite theme: Vote for us or we’ll call you stupid. It’s the working class against the smirking class.


  2. Republicans and conservatives are the real enemy for islamo progressives.

    I look forward to seeing footage of a pack of coyotes gnawing on Hillary’s beheaded carcass.

  3. Somebody needs to ask that bitch to explain what terrorism is. And watch her try to dance around the fact that she labels all conservatives as terrorists.

    She has no problem with islam’s most devout: isis.
    She has stated that the NRA is her biggest enemy.

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