Akron, Ohio – Democrats For Trump – IOTW Report

Akron, Ohio – Democrats For Trump

It pains me that I’m linking so much to InfoWars these days.

I don’t like some of the stories Alex Jones peddles, and I have a hard time forgiving him for being an Inside Jobber and also for trying to whip up a crowd into a frenzy in order to assault Michelle Malkin.

But I do like lots of his contributors, and that doesn’t mean their good work needs to be discounted.

There’s nothing un-factual about sticking a mic in someone’s face and asking a question.

In this video dozens and dozens of democrats in Ohio are telling InfoWars that they have switched over to vote for Trump.

As an addendum to this post, C. Steven Tucker sends in a story from the NY Post that speaks to the monster vote that is looming out in America. These are the people that the pollsters aren’t connecting with.

17 Comments on Akron, Ohio – Democrats For Trump

  1. There’s another angle regarding the polls. I was listening to Tom Sullivan the other day and some guy calls in a says I haven’t voted since Reagan but I’m voting for Trump this time around and so are all my friends. Those people don’t get polled because they don’t qualify as “Likely Voters”. Exact same conversation on Rush today.

  2. Just listened to this at the Treehouse.

    Was thinking the same thing about Infowars. In the past I rarely clicked on a infowars link and usually giffawed anyone that cited iwars as a reference.

  3. I can’t get behind IW because of their “Silverstein said Pull IT”/Loose Change garbage reporting.
    Sometimes I feel like they believe in Lizard People and Shapeshifting training at Bohemian Grove.

    But…. they are getting some boots on the ground and simply reporting what the MSM is not in regards to the disparity between MS polling and Trump’s internal polling, app manufacturer’s polling and our eyes and ears about the massive rallies that Trump continues to get.

    And there is most definitely crossover appeal and first time voting going on.
    And everyone seems to hate Hillary.

  4. Paul Joseph Watson is worth seeing sometimes as well. There are a lot of good guys out there. Drinking with Bob was one of my favorites, his perspective made me reach for a beer more than once.

  5. How about we examine Trump’s people skills? I have seen many clips of Trump at events drawing thousands of people, yet he is speaking to them by projecting an intimacy that makes the event feel more like he, Melania, and a few good friends drinking sifter of brandy in front of a roaring fire.

    Hillary just wishes she could throw the annoying 99% INTO the fire.

  6. Exactly. Jones is a fucking wanker. Green aliens, witch covens, chupacabras, missiles that look like aeroplanes… I think the JOOS! are behind all the bad stuff in the world…

    He’s a wanker.

  7. Infowars is clickbait only.
    Facilitating Alex in attaching himself to Trump is not a good idea. He runs a comedy website, but has a bunch of followers who believe it is real.
    “On the street” interviews are entertainment only. Hours of film yields 5-15 minutes that seems to support any position. The internet is full of them showing support for anything you can think of.

  8. I feel stupider for having just read the NYP piece. I don’t think it’s right to ever mention The Monster Vote without giving credit to Sundance at CTH/Rebel Pundit, who has been fighting conservative trench warfare so long — loyal and steadfast — instead of some NYP journalist intern who thinks they might be onto something. The piece is riddled with MSM-manufactured cliches like this gem: “While Trump supporters here are overwhelmingly white, their support has little to do with race..” Well, blow me down! Every R and D in this country has support that is “overwhelmingly white”. Isn’t it great the author at least didn’t say that the R’s white people aren’t *all* clan?!

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess we should all be grateful (eye roll) that any legacy media is writing anything positive (or even true) about what is still the backbone of our republic.

    I wish we would acknowledge the hard working men and women of the alt media who do all the heavy lifting out of love of country and without reward.

    Rant off.

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