#Never Trumpers, You’re More Establishment Than You Think – IOTW Report

#Never Trumpers, You’re More Establishment Than You Think


Stephen Moore has written a nice article explaining why the #NeverTrump Conservatives are not only wrong, but aligning themselves with the establishment.



23 Comments on #Never Trumpers, You’re More Establishment Than You Think

  1. @RadioMattM – I’m amused by the media silence over Tim Huelskamp – a rabid NeverTrumper losing his primary to a Trump supporter. He’s the guy who wouldn’t let his 9 year old son listen to Trump. It was right after that I noticed the hold-outs in the House (including Ryan) saying MUCH nicer things about Trump.

    They may have believed everyone thinks like the globalists in DC but were caught by surprise with Huelskamp.

  2. Not sure why we’re even talking about a bunch of bitter losers who find that they are obsolete. I’ve certainly pared down the people I read or listen to.

    They are so McCain/Romney yesterday.

  3. If Trump keeps “softening” on immigration he’s going to lose me. I don’t really give a sh*t what names people call me. If I wanted Jeb Bush for president then I would have supported Jeb Bush

  4. Trump is the establishment. LOL! Mr. Tough man on immigration is back tracking faster than a 50 yard Olympian runner on steroids. I can’t believe you Trumpters fools voted for this fool and forced me to back this guy to keep Hillary out. We are so screwed as a nation.

  5. Really good article. The only reason #NT is known at all today is that most of the legacy media pundits (controlled by the left) are #NT-ers themselves. Otherwise they would be less than the equivalent of PUMA. They are in numbers, anyway.

  6. Jon
    Don’t let the anti-Trump trolls here convince you to move your vote away.
    Trump recognizes the confusion he has created and is resolving it.
    Read the paper he is releasing tomorrow, take some time to digest it, I suspect you will be feeling better about the situation afterward.

  7. False Liberty, your planet is Uranus, get back on it. You know I’ve read your shit from day one. Your IQ is about a 2. You should know better at this point than to trust your own opinion. You’re an idiot.

  8. That’s rich. An imbecilic moron incapable of putting two thoughts together that fell for the “Trump built that wall” schtick is telling conservative Americans with real moral character (not the spray on kind) what they believe? The author and his comrades will never comprehend the truth. Too stupid. Too liberal and progressive. Totally fascist. Trumpie can never win. There are too many of you that prefer Hitlery.

  9. Sturge — Sorry for the delayed response. P.U.M.A. was (as stated, above) “Party Unity My A$$” — it was the same group as “18 Million Voices” of the ’08 Hillary camp; the overwrought diehards of the Hillary clan who insisted they would NEVER vote for obama over Clinton. I don’t know how many actually never voted for obama, but at least one of them took that opportunity to become an Independent/conservative and now votes straight ticket R. (It is purely coincidental if this sounds auto-biographical).

    JohnS, your planet is Uranus, get back on it. You know I’ve read your shit from day one. Your IQ is about a 2. You should know better at this point than to trust your own opinion. You’re an idiot.
    JohnS is a delusional, lying faggot, who repeatedly projects his own qualities (anti-Trump) onto others here. His illness appears to be incurable.

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