Senator Sessions Says the Clinton Foundation is Dirty – IOTW Report

Senator Sessions Says the Clinton Foundation is Dirty

Canadian Free Press-

Sessions said it’s clear that donors to the Clinton Foundation expected their donations to give them access to the machinery of government.

Senator Sessions: Clinton Foundation may be involved in extortion.

“The evidence indicates to me that this should be fully investigated,” Sessions said, according to a LifeZette report. “I cannot say that [FBI Director] Mr. [James] Comey has not completed a full investigation but it seems like he has not.”

“The fundamental thing is you cannot be secretary of state of the United States of America and use that position to extort or to seek contributions to your private foundation,” Sessions said. “That is a fundamental violation of law and that does appear to have happened.”

Sessions said it’s clear that donors to the Clinton Foundation expected their donations to give them access to the machinery of government.

“Why are these people in countries that are very poor giving millions of dollars, even hundreds of millions of dollars, to a foundation that doesn’t benefit them in any direct way or the people in their country?” the senator said.

“They’re doing it to gain access, and you [shouldn’t] pay to get access.”

Sessions’ comments come as USA Today editorializes that the Clinton Foundation should be shut down and the left-wing Boston Globe urges the foundation to stop accepting donations.

9 Comments on Senator Sessions Says the Clinton Foundation is Dirty

  1. This goes beyond “oopsie”. Selling out our nation and favors for cash to one’s own pockets is a felony called Treason, so the number of times “pay to play” by Clinton is documented is the number of time the Special Prosecutor should bring Hillary, Bill Clinton, and Chelsea up on charges to be tried. The hearings should be started now so that it can be announced before November election, and then let the trial phases start with a new President, FBI Director, and US Attorney General. The old trash needs to be shoved out and dumped. Because of the felonious Democratics and their filth on the world stage, our country has been disgraced beyond words. Barry Hussein, all three Clintons, Soros, ValJar, Loretta, the FBI, all a part of this fiasco. All must pay the price, forfeiture of their foundation funds, private slush funds, stash stolen and hidden off shore…seize it all. Extradite Soros back to the USA and sentence him to Life without Parole for Treason along with the others complicit in these acts.

  2. I’ve seen enough of these two over the past 35 years to know that given enough power the Clintons would be no different than the Ceaușescus of Romania or any other lawless, greedy, thieving, ruthless dictators. These criminal business partners always smelled of thick corruption through that front they call a “marriage”. They shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the White House! I’m with Voir Dire on the Treason charges for the whole bunch!

  3. immelda marcos collected shoes on the taxpayer dime.

    “hillary the beast” collects mao pantsuits.

    hail the queen of corruption.

    remember they only got capone on tax evasion, not murder or extortion.

  4. This time it is Hillary, but if you do a cursory search on the term “grifters” and Clinton, you get one story after another about Bill Clinton’s many nefarious relationships, undisclosed payments to him, strange ties to known domestic and international fraudsters and the like. It’s like reading a script from Showtime’s Ray Donovan. Even Dick Morris used the mafia term, “whacked” when asking about DNC and Clinton whistleblowers.

  5. “contributions to your private foundation”

    But it’s not Hillary’s PRIVATE foundation, Senator Sessions. It’s the Clinton FAMILY foundation. Surely, a United States senator can’t be suggesting that family members, partners in (sundry and always various) businesses, friends with benefits (besides the economic), government created independent legal entities, and all their combinations, can’t stash the cash (better offshore, of course) without “a fundamental violation of law”? Who’d be left in town to push the elevator buttons?

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