Friday’s Joy – IOTW Report

Friday’s Joy

An amateur prospect in Australia has found a gold nugget that weighs in at 4.1kg or 144.6 ounces with his metal detector.  The solid chunk of gold, named Friday’s Joy, is expected to fetch upwards of $190,000 when it goes to auction.




9 Comments on Friday’s Joy

  1. What’s really amazing is that a chunk of gold like that could’ve only been formed in a long ago supernova, floated through space for billions of years, and then flew into the Earth one day, probably also billions of years ago.

  2. If I ever find something like this – a lump of gold, buried treasure, coins on a sunken ship, whatever – you’ll never read a news story about it, because I won’t say shit about it to anyone but my wife. Right before I quietly dispose of it for cash, under the table.

    No way in hell am I letting the government take 3/4 of more of my find and give it out to illegals in bribes (uh, I mean benefits, yeah, that’s the NEWSPEAK term). Even if it means that I can only sell it for a fraction of what it might actually be worth, I’d rather get less money than give Leftists more ammunition to use against me.

    Just like if I’m ever out working on my land and find some “endangered species” or any kind of artifacts. No way am I letting the government steal my land to protect some fucking slug or Indian pottery shards.

  3. One of my more wealthy customers has a hobby of visiting where a house has been torn down. Sometimes it just a few houses away where a McMansion is about to replace a 90 y.o. structure.

    He finds all sorts of silver and gold each time.

  4. $190,000 plus the money Minelab will likely pay him for use of a photograph of that golden boulder to use in ads for the $10,000 dectector. That thing even marks the spot with GPS!

  5. @hrbqll: Long ago I went with a girl who discovered an indian site in AZ while hiking. She informed the authorities because it was the right thing to do. Right?
    It was immediately closed to the public and she never received so much as a “thank you ma’am.”
    I’m with you. Melt it down and sell a little at a time as you need the money.
    Land grabs, property confiscation, excess taxation it’s all just gov’t greed!

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