So When Did Trump Become This Racist That the Left (and the Never Trump Right) Says He Is? – IOTW Report

So When Did Trump Become This Racist That the Left (and the Never Trump Right) Says He Is?

Of course we’re running the risk of inviting the idiots on the right that hate Trump to say these clips are proof that he is a leftist. But that’s okay. That would simply be their racism and stupidity on display, knee-jerkingly equating a private citizen helping the black community as a leftist, an idiotic tantamount admission that no right-winger would ever do such a thing.

It’s more important to rebut the charges that Trump is a racist than to placate absolute fools on the right that are eager to see Hillary win the presidency.

ht/ HotGas

9 Comments on So When Did Trump Become This Racist That the Left (and the Never Trump Right) Says He Is?

  1. I have many reservations about President Obama. Even though they are well thought out, I am racist.

    At work, I have been bullied mercilessly by two female co-workers–and when I say “bullied,” I mean like what happens to unpopular girls in junior high school. One of my tormentors was Hispanic and the other was black. I can’t stand the sight of them. Because racism.

    I left a neighborhood in Brooklyn because nobody there spoke English. That was racist too.

    I guess my tongue just isn’t far enough up the minority asses to suit the libs.

  2. In any kind of politics, one uses smears with any pejorative term in order to manipulate others’ thoughts and/or votes. It’s the fallback position of losers who can’t win fairly, relying on a better solution or merit. However, in the case of Trump calling Killery a bigot, he is correct. She and the D’s look upon minorities and women as a mean to an end and treat them with contempt.

  3. Trump only become a racist when he announced he was runnin ng as a republican.

    You’d think with Trump being in the limelight for so long somebody, ANYONE, would have picked up on his hatred for minorities. You can’t hide hate like that. Thanks for never warning leftists and #nevertrumpers!

  4. In 1964 Hillary was a “Goldwater Girl.” Goldwater was one of six Senate Republicans to vote against the Civil Rights Act.

    Minor detail that the nasty cretin has tried to forget.

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