PC run amok claims a life – IOTW Report

PC run amok claims a life

A girl hanged herself because she made an aside about muzzies and feared the remark would brand her a racist.

It was a stupid decision because the fear of something is not reason to commit suicide.

It’s sort of like the assholishness of #NEVERTRUMP. They “fear” that Trump *might* not be what he’s selling himself to be, so they commit suicide by allowing Hillary to win.

Consider #NeverTrump to be exactly like an irrational 16 year-old girl full of fear.

(Yes, I will be looking to shoehorn  attacks on these pinheads any chance I get.)


talented teenage gymnast committed suicide after becoming concerned she would be branded “racist” after taking a joke photograph and sharing it with friends, an inquest heard.

Phoebe Connop, 16, uploaded an edited picture of herself where her skin tone had been darkened and she was wearing a scarf wrapped around her head to a private Instagram message, which she shared with friends.

She was scared of what the reaction might be from the Asian community in her areaDetective Sergeant Katherine Tomkins

Miss Connop, who had been speaking regularly to an Asian male, told the group it was what she would have to look like to get approval from her “boyfriend’s” parents.

The image was shared beyond the private group and Miss Connop feared their would be a backlash, the inquest heard. She died on July 7 after committing suicide at her family home.

Black Country Coroners Court heard on the day of her death Miss Connop had been working with her father Laurence, 53, to get some money for her summer holidays on July 7 this year.

He had taken her home early due to her feeling unwell but found his daughter hanged when he returned after work.


9 Comments on PC run amok claims a life

  1. “PS: Why can’t we see the picture? ”

    Might be something with your connection or browser. That happens to me on some sites because I have such a slow connection.

    The pic here shows for me.

  2. There’s nothing PC correct with me. She hanged herself so she won;t be voting for Hillary, she won’t be breeding more like herself, she’s better off all around IMHO.

  3. This took place in Britain. In the West Midlands.
    “Asian” is UK euphemism for “Muslim”.

    Only 16. A vulnerable teenage girl.
    She is s victim of Jihad, through PC induced brainwashing that lead to her suicide.
    The Left deserve to burn in hell.

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