Glass Hole – IOTW Report

Glass Hole


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7 Comments on Glass Hole

  1. Thousands of exceptional, honest women with integrity and principle shattered any perceived glass ceiling through out History.

    Hillary cannot change the fact she is not exceptional, honest, possess integrity or acceptable principles.

    “One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.”

    Golda Meir
    From the 1940s through the 1960s, Meir worked for the Israeli government in various roles including as Minister of Labor and Foreign Minister.
    In 1969, Golda Meir became Israel’s fourth Prime Minister.
    She perceived no ceiling to her abilities or her position to lead her country to greatness.

  2. Hillary’s breaking if for the female criminals of the world. Before now, no woman had ever set up an illegal server to use to bribe people for access to the State Department and then destroy evidence AFTER the investigation had begun yet continues to walk around free as a bird.

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