I Thought Reporters Report? – IOTW Report

I Thought Reporters Report?

Are you still reporting the news when you alter it?

This was a Donald Trump Tweet –

Screen Shot 2016-08-30 at 2.25.01 AM


Clinton News Network strikes again.

Do you suppose CNN would alter a tweet from Hillary that called Trump “Racist Donald”?

15 Comments on I Thought Reporters Report?

  1. As I pointed out in my post yesterday, even worse than editing the tweet is how they wrote out Trump’s Twitter handle:

    You think that was by accident? These people aren’t just biased. They are actively seeking to undermine Trump’s candidacy. They are vile and hateful little pukes.

  2. shouldn’t the msm and democrat party have to report all the positive air time given to hillary as campaign donations in kind?

    it’s soo obvious what they are doing when reporting the “news”

  3. Jeez, even when they do report the news you can’t trust it. FOX is big on showing poll numbers that show Trump 7 to 10 points down. They had one up on the screen early this morning and the little disclaimer at the bottom of the screen shows the sample size was 822 people. I’ve read that just about all the popular polls are using sample sizes under 1,000. How can that be accurate? Particularly when they poll more Democrats than Conservatives.

  4. Thanks BFH. If it weren’t for you and the link I would have missed this CRUSHING blow that CNN delivered to Trump. Definitely a knockout to his campaign. Maybe I should tune in to CNN for the first and double their rating.

  5. @Bad Brad – good point. I got a “D” in Calculus but even an idiot like me knows that the smaller the sampling size, the larger the margin of error. So polling more registered voters from the Democrat Party than the Republican Party skews the results hard left.

    Another thing to look at are the numbers of people voting in the state primaries. The Democrat Party had much lower voter participation this year and the Republican Party had much higher voter participation this year.

    I’d love to see 2016 be a repudiation of Leftism along the lines of the 1972 election.

  6. You thought Reporters report? Since when?
    Privates report.
    Rifles report.
    Clerks report.
    Reporters propagandize.
    I’ll admit, though, there was a time, long, long ago when there was these things called newspapers, that had facts on the front page, and propaganda on the Opinion page. I think so, anyway. It’s has been a long time, and my memory is getting hazy.

  7. Evidently it is no longer a reporter’s job to report. Now it is their job to wipe the asses of politicians, and make sure their shit don’t stink.

    They are no longer qualified for anything else.

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