Big Lefty Company, Apple, Being Fined 15.5 Billion For Back Taxes – IOTW Report

Big Lefty Company, Apple, Being Fined 15.5 Billion For Back Taxes

Hey, I’m all for trying to skirt taxes, but I’m not a moron who votes for higher taxes and whines about the rich needing to pay their fair share while I’m both rich and not paying my fair share.

Apple holds Europe to ransom: Tech giant threatens to cut jobs in EU after Brussels orders it to pay back £11BILLION in tax over ‘illegal’ sweetheart deal with Irish government. 

  • £11bn ($14.5bn) penalty issued is 40 times higher than previous EU record
  • Ireland will be asked to claw back billions but will refuse cash and appeal
  • Apple paid as little as 0.005% tax a year on its profits outside the US
  • In 2011 it made $22bn profits but just $55m was deemed taxable in Ireland 
  • Tech giant will appeal and say EU figures are ‘completely made-up’
  • Google and Amazon could be next with EU rulings due in the next year
  • US Treasury has warned EU not to pursue American companies over tax

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17 Comments on Big Lefty Company, Apple, Being Fined 15.5 Billion For Back Taxes

  1. Sure is easy to find ways to spend OPM. If I was Apple, I’d do whatever I could do too to legally avoid taxes. If the EU tax code is anything like ours, it’ll be fairly effortless to concoct some regulation violation. However Apple can make it painful for the EU bureaucrats, do it.

  2. “US Treasury has warned EU not to pursue American companies over tax”


    Or else what? President Blubbering Vagina won’t even defend the American **NAVY** against attack by foreigners. Does anyone expect him to even say boo to a foreign tax court?

  3. I got a Apple!

    Jill gave me one this morning for brekfass.

    I had the SS drive me into town and stop by a little girl in the park … I axed her if she wanted a bite outta my Apple … she screamed and ran away!

    I shudda tooken it outta my pocket …

  4. I don’t own any Apple products, nor will I ever own an Apple product. Everything I have is either a Tracfone, an HP printer, HP monitor, some off the wall tower and a Samsung tablet. I don’t care how far they string it out, cutting a fat hog in the ass will turn around and bite you.

  5. The 3 best things I did were get a big screen tv, retire early and dump windows for apple. I have 3 apple computers and love them (but after cook came out gay I will never buy another).
    In 10 years I’ve never had a single problem which can’t be said for windows. (knock wood)
    I had windows for 15 years and had nothing but problem after problem including getting hacked by some eastern european craphole.
    Let the hating begin, but apple computers saved my sanity.

  6. The Rats are in agreement. I have had a Mac for many years now as well that has been absolutely bulletproof. I have used PC since 1989 and now work with both the PC and the Mac. The PC fits the work environment better for a lot of reasons, but mainly because the company has an IT department working to keep things running. (actually I wonder if they don’t get in their own way at times, but I digress…)
    Besides being a solid OS the Mac is also a premium piece of hardware with a gorgeous screen for my photography work, low noise floor for audio recording and my go-to browser for the internet that just works… right now, all the time, no re-boots.

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