So, so enlightened and open-minded. (moron) – IOTW Report

So, so enlightened and open-minded. (moron)

Passage of Qur’an to be read at funeral of woman killed by Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar.”

jihad watch-

“After talking about the misrepresentation of Mia’s death in the media as an act of terrorism on the part of an Islamic fundamentalist, the minister delivering the service suggested we include a Koranic reading, and he will find something suitable with a friend who is an Islamic scholar.”

The 21-year-old died after being stabbed to death during a frenzied knife attack at a north Queensland hostel last week that also left fellow Brit Tom Jackson dead, after a week spent in hospital in critical condition.

It’s alleged the man charged over the murder, French national Smail Ayad shouted out ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he attacked Mia but police have said they had found no evidence the crime was terror related.


ht/ annie

20 Comments on So, so enlightened and open-minded. (moron)

  1. joe6pack, they are winning

    we are in the pot, the water is only to the comfortable stage, people are singing kumbaya, smoking dope and chasing pokemon

    soon to be reaching a boiling point, we better get a grasp on this soonest or we are fooked forever

  2. Although Mr. Ayad stabbed and slashed Ms. Ayliffe-Chung with a knife, we have no reason to believe that he knew that pushing a sharp piece of metal against her body would puncture it, or that moving a sharp edge against her skin would cut into her.

    That makes just as much sense as saying the killing was not “terror related.” Those who blurt out such things have no brains because dung beetles have already rolled away that last bits of them.

  3. The koran has more than 100 verses commanding mooselimbs to wage war against the non-believers. Pick one of those to read at this poor girl’s funeral.

    How about this gem:
    “And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah” Quran 8:39

    Or this:
    “O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness.” Quran 9:123

    F*ck islam, the arabian moon god, the pedophile prophet (piss be upon him) and every single last one of those ass-lifting koranimals.

  4. This is why liberalism needs to be defeated this November and every election thereafter. You’ll never change anyone that embraces liberal ideology and won’t accept refugees screaming Allah Akbar are Jihadist terrorists expressing Islam. She’ll probably also put a co-exist bumper sticker on the casket. That will sure show them!

  5. It’s hard to ridicule the Aussie dhimmies when the memorial to Flight 93 is a giant outdoor islamic center. Although at least we had some brave Americans least put up a fight against the outrageeous design. I don’t know that the “Tower of Voices” minaret which the Park Service had planned, was ever built. Hopefully not.

  6. I am ashamed for this girl’s mother. Truly. I just can’t believe there are people so dim, so stupid that they would willingly dishonor their daughter and desecrate her funeral service by reading from the evil book that inspired her murderer. A man kills my daughter in the name of allah, he’s going to find out what righteous wrath really is. No mercy, no quarter.

  7. No one at the funeral spoke up??!! What a bunch of cowards! The holy spirit would have seized me and given those people a lecture worth hearing. Then I would have turned my back, stamped my feet, and declared them all to be ANATHEMA.

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