Dept. of Homeland Security Eyes Special Declaration to Take Charge of Elections – IOTW Report

Dept. of Homeland Security Eyes Special Declaration to Take Charge of Elections

Crisis averted!!!!

Wash Examiner-

Even before the FBI identified new cyber attacks on two separate state election boards, the Department of Homeland Security began considering declaring the election a “critical infrastructure,” giving it the same control over security it has over Wall Street and and the electric power grid.

The latest admissions of attacks could speed up that effort possibly including the upcoming presidential election, according to officials.

“We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the power grid,” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said.

“There’s a vital national interest in our election process, so I do think we need to consider whether it should be considered by my department and others critical infrastructure,” he said at media conference earlier this month hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.


ht/ fdr in hell

60 Comments on Dept. of Homeland Security Eyes Special Declaration to Take Charge of Elections

  1. They’re attempting to rig it for Killary. 70 days out of the presidential election and all of the sudden our “votes” are a national security issues? GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK.

    There will be a revolt and a backlash if they try and pull this shit. Homeland Security was designed to protect the HOMELAND. Not deal with who I vote for. 👿

  2. I work with “critical infrastructure” every day. HSA don’t fuck around. Skeery shit.

    Strap on your belts.


    @Loco: I voted there today, three times. It’s so easy.

  3. The Russians have nothing to do with this. But the Marxists in charge of our country have learned how to lie to the American people with their own form of Pravda, and will pull out all the stops to destroy our elections. Democrats are the real communists.

  4. PS – It took FERC and NERC several years to gain enough traction to secure the grid after the 2003 NE blackout. To even dream about HSA getting the election connections secure by November is laughable.

  5. Playing out like a novel. We may have already had our last election in 2012. Next chapter the stealing of the republic followed by the second fight for independence from tyranny?

    Don’t worry folks Duh Johnson is on the case, “There’s no one federal election system. There are some 9,000 jurisdictions involved in the election process,” – – – “did I say that right Valerie?”

  6. To those who stayed home because Romney wasn’t a good enough candidate and claimed they wanted to punish the Left with another term of 0bama—
    THANKS, bitches. Brilliant plan!

  7. Has anyone else heard the idea of wearing a red shirt when you go to vote this year? I think it’s a good plan. It will be hard to argue that killary won when 99% of the voting populace are wearing red shirts. Anyone else hear of it? Do tell……


    With 3% of precincts reporting, and Hillary Rodham Clinton holding 272% of the popular vote, ABC News calls Ohio for Clinton IN A LANDSLIDE.

  9. There’s a banking crisis coming before the end of the year. The big question is, “Does it take place after the rigged Election, or before, thus postponing the rigged Election?”

  10. This False Hacking Flag is being put in place to be ready to throw out a Trump victory, as “hacked”!

    My friends, this Nation was lost in 2001 with only a very few citizens realizing it. 🙁

    I didn’t, but now I hear that distant bell ringing.
    Do you hear it now, too?

  11. Ann, I’m not sure your False Flag hacking scenario will be needed by the Ruling Class. If Trump is elected in November, the Ruling Class might let the Banking Crisis dogs out in time to collapse on his Administration. Even if Hillary wins, the Fed pumping can’t continue for much longer, thus giving her an opportunity to establish a “Recovery” legacy matching FDR’s New Deal.

    Personally, I don’t think the old hag is up to the task to play that role.

    Cover your heads, folks. When this thing does blow, the shit that rains down will be historic.

  12. Well the premise is that the election process is untainted now.
    Couldn’t be further from the truth.
    The career, professional and non-partisan Department of Homeland Security, DOJ, FBI and Federal Election Commission are as Corrupt as Hillary and Obama.
    If this is in the media, it is a fait accompli, like the Iran negotiations, Iran payments, Iran ransom, saving Pvt. Bergdahl, Obamacare, releasing drug dealers from prison, releasing terrorists from Gitmo, Bureau of Land management stealing private property, supporting BLM, Unions and community organizers, funding terrorists, placing muslims in national security positions, minimizing the constitution, ignoring laws like immigration, 100s of thousands of illegal immigrants, 10s of thousands of Syrian refugees, climate change, gun control, usurping congressional duties, transsexuals and gay issues and the list goes on………..
    The transformation has crept up on a sleeping America and it’s nearly complete.

  13. Sylvia, if you’re right, then no major terrorist attacks on US soil will take place before November 8th.

    Your so-called “Ruling Class” has a smorgasbord of tricks up their sleeve and ready to spring into action if necessary… Zika Virus, Election hacking, terrorist plot, Hillary’s health, and a dozen False Flags.

    Welcome to Venezuela with the Rocky Mountains.

  14. @ cato

    Don’t forget the one piece of the Transformation machinery that affects EVERYONE… money… in banks, in the Stock Market, in the mattress, in your pocket.

    The quickest way to control the population would be to reduce everyone to only the money in their pockets.

    Put THAT scenario in your pipe and smoke it. 🙁

  15. So the fox gets to decide who has access to the henhouse, not the farmer?

    Oh, but congress isn’t interested anyway. They’re busy insuring the government isn’t shut down.

  16. They’re terrified Trump may win; so they’re laying the groundwork to invalidate the election with some bullshit about “Russian hackers” or some other lame ass crap.

  17. @Sylvia

    My taxes are rising, my valuation of my home is decreasing, the food & labor costs are sky rocketing, stocks are stagnant, as is everything else. Good news Gas is below $3…..but can’t afford to go anywhere on retirement funds that have been downgraded.

  18. I hear you, cato.

    I get $0.08 interest a month on my bank savings account. It costs them .27 cents to mail me a monthly statement (pre-sorted First Class).

    Things are really screwed up in the good old U-S-A.

  19. If downtown Sarasota isn’t being washed away tomorrow (it’s looking like depression #9 will miss us to the north), I think I’ll drive up to the county supervisor or elections’ office and ask to have a word with her. I’d like to hear what she plans to do if/when DHS men in black suits arrive to tell her how to run things.

    I’d like to convince her that she and all her workers should refuse to have anything to do with fed agents. A low-intensity strike would be satisfactory.

  20. “Buy more and have enough to supply the dummies you know that can’t see what’s coming.”

    AKA the River of Canoe Accidents. “What guns and ammo?”


    “The Evangelicals censored my avatar…again. 🙂 ” – Sylivia

    I was about to call them pussies, but.. um no. That’s not right.

    I can’t quite put my finger on the button, but it’s close.

  21. Obama trying to steal the election for Hillary. I don’t think they realize where this will go. Half the states in the union will secede and we could see the next civil war.

  22. Oh, thank goodness. Does this jerk actually think that is what we Americans are thinking?

    The fist of government tightens. How long until we don’t have elections? November 2016? 1984 is here and the kool aid drinking cult followers bleat as they stumble into government slavery.
    Want a ‘safe spot’, you pampered, lazy people ready to scream at non existent hurts, insults, contrasting views? Get ready, because gulags take away all of your worries.
    Read something other than the propaganda drivel fed to you by liberals who will toss you aside faster than you can blink.

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