Nearly 10,000 workers sue Chipotle for unpaid wages – IOTW Report

Nearly 10,000 workers sue Chipotle for unpaid wages

CNNmoney: Current and former Chipotle (CMG) employees claim that the company made them work extra hours “off the clock” without paying them. It’s a practice known as wage theft, and Chipotle is allegedly doing it all over the United States.

“Chipotle routinely requires hourly-paid restaurant employees to punch out, and then continue working until they are given permission to leave,” according to the class action lawsuit known as Turner v. Chipotle. It’s named after a former Chipotle manager in Colorado, Leah Turner, who claims she had to work without pay and was told to make workers under her do the same in order to meet budget goals.

10 Comments on Nearly 10,000 workers sue Chipotle for unpaid wages

  1. That can’t be true. The owner of Chipotle is an ultraliberal who believes in fairness and justice for the proletariate. He COULDN’T be a flaming hypocrite who thinks he doesn’t have to play by the same rules as everyone else.

    Wait, I already said he was an ultraliberal.

  2. This is all too common now in restaurants, in retail, and pretty much any workplace where Management can get away with it.

    E Coli and exploitation. I can’t imagine who eats there.

  3. What makes this kind of thing curious is when similar things are demanded just after you completed doing your annual online business ethics training.
    And the management seems to be puzzled about low morale.

  4. A factory I worked at when I was 21 tried that. I was knocking out a truck load of product each night in the sterilizers. Six short-time loads each night. Someone had to do it and I had a newborn at home.

    Long story short: The supervisor was jealous of my over time pay and tried make it so I only got 45 mins for staying 6 extra hrs. Only for the loading – not the baby-sitting it took to make sure they didn’t fail.

    No. I was volunteering for the extra work but not for even less rate than the regular hours. I stopped cold.

    He was so pissed when the factory’s aisles started backing up and nothing could move around. More importantly, the owners of the company were pissed at him.

    He lost the company money and time over his jealousy and butthole-ness.

    I still have a low opinion of yankees with bully attitudes.

  5. News flash: The New York State Unified Court System does the wage-theft thing too.

    My court is now the second-busiest trial court in the United States. The volume is insane. I can get all my petitions done in a day and get the petitioners out the door with their papers, no problem. It’s all the other time-consuming, detail-oriented work that I can’t keep up with–creating/notating file jackets, requesting files from our record room or archive warehouse, mailing papers to respondents with confidential addresses, serving ACS via electronic interface when they are a respondent, making sure that documents created outside our database get scanned into the database, etc., etc.

    I have been staying an hour late every night to attack the pike of unfinished crap on my desk. I haven’t even made a dent in it. For this I am rewarded with no overtime pay, no raise since April 2013, and miserable, continually deteriorating working conditions.

    Fuck Andy Boy Cuomo. But you already knew that.

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