Krispy Vetoes NJ $15 Minimum Wage Bill – IOTW Report

Krispy Vetoes NJ $15 Minimum Wage Bill


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday vetoed a bill that would have raised the state’s minimum wage to $15 over five years.

Christie, a Republican, said the bill pushed by the Democratic-led legislature wouldbog down the economy and kill jobs.

Christie told a crowd at a market in Pennington, N.J. raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour would hurt small businesses

“All of this sounds great, raising the minimum wage, when you’re spending someone else’s money,” he said.

Democrats in the state legislature said they will fight on, and want to propose a constitutional amendment to raise the minimum wage, which is currently $8.38 per hour.

11 Comments on Krispy Vetoes NJ $15 Minimum Wage Bill

  1. This guys made a lot of bad calls. But he’s made a lot of good calls too. I wouldn’t cry myself to sleep if he ended up Attorny General. I think he’s smarter and more consistent than Gowdy.

  2. Good for him.

    We recently had a spell of hellaciously hot weather during which I simply could not bear the thought of cooking dinner. There are a lot of good restaurants by me that deliver, so I went on Grubhub.

    I hadn’t ordered out in a while and was shocked by what I found. Most places had free delivery (with the understanding that you’d be tipping the delivery guy); now many charge $1-2 for delivery. The few places that had charged $1-2 for delivery are now charging $3-4. One place was charging $8! Many more establishments also now have high minimum orders for delivery. Since I am a single-person household ordering one entree, I’m effectively cut off from places with a $30 minimum. When the food arrived, I found smaller portions made from low-quality ingedients.

    For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why this was. Then it hit me: the New York State hourly minimum wage rose to $9.00 at the beginning of this year. Apparently there is a very delicate tipping point when it comes to the food delivery business, and we just passed it.

    This is why we can’t have nice things.

  3. Good ‘ol Krispy.
    He messed up badly with Obama and that bridge scandal, but I do believe that he actually DOES give a damn about America and how she turns out. I also would love to see him as Attorney Gen.

  4. “Spending other people’s money” sounds like something Trump said (I believe he made the comment in his “Art of the Deal” book – that politicians don’t care about cost overruns on projects, because they are spending other people’s money. Maybe Trump had a come to Jesus meeting with Christy.

  5. Several areas recently raised the minimum wage and are now shocked SHOCKED I tell you to find unemployment up and average wage even or reduced. Thomas Sowell and Walter E Williams (as well as RIP Milton Friedman) repeatedly demonstrated that minimum wage increases result in increased black unemployment.

    Some recent articles proving the data:
    Black Unemployment




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