VIDEO: Hillary gets help walking onto stage at Cincinnati speech – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Hillary gets help walking onto stage at Cincinnati speech

AM: Hillary Clinton sought a little extra help walking onto the stage at the American Legion convention in Cincinnati, Ohio today.

hillary at AL event

After being introduced, she held onto a veteran as she made her way to the podium.


SNIP: Could he just be walking her to the podium to be a gentleman? Do they normally do this for all women? Or are they afraid of her falling at their event.

26 Comments on VIDEO: Hillary gets help walking onto stage at Cincinnati speech

  1. The reason Hillary will lose is because she’s fucking ugly inside and out. Trump is better looking, and more virile in attitude.

    Yes, the American electorate is that superficial.

  2. while she is limping, falling, leaning on something or someone, trump is out and about, acting like a president

    mexico today, who knows, maybe china, iran, or russia next

    he is filling the vacuum, and it must irritate the shit out of obama and clinton

    i love it

  3. This one looks semi-legit to me as far as him not being a cane.

    Leading me to assume it’s a set up to try to shove all the other observations under the rug. Semi- legit due to the fact she is running as a feminist. They don’t need no chivalry

  4. i’m with you brown eye girl.

    what’s with the hair and no or little makeup?
    she looks like she hasn’t taken a shower in a week.
    probably smells like it too.
    huma must be getting tired of tongue bathing her.

  5. American Legion Leadership should be flogged for having the corrupt Benghazi Bitch at their Convention.
    Being a candidate for high office doesn’t change the facts of her traitorous actions and incompetence.
    Disgusting, irreverent and dishonorable.

  6. well Roosevelt was in a wheel chair for a long time without the public knowledge—im not a Clinton person but you people could show some respect for the mentally disadvantaged

  7. Truth is she was being escorted on stage by an officer of the American Legion, not “helped.” This is only proper protocol.
    What sickens me is, as cato said, why the hell she was invited to speak before The American Legion in the first place?

  8. “…why the hell she was invited to speak before The American Legion in the first place?”

    She’s not doing well at all with the Gran Torino vote, is my guess. Given her sporadic campaign appearances, it must have been deemed important enough to go there.

    Or maybe she just wanted to appear with people older than her.

  9. Whether or not she was helped or “escorted” onto the stage, with all the talk about her health, and the staged events of the retrieved note cards, and pickle jar opening; wouldn’t her handlers, for the sake of optics alone, insist on her walking on stage un-aided? Either she really is sick, or this is all a set-up to catch Trump off-guard at the debates. I think it’s the former.

  10. “wouldn’t her handlers, for the sake of optics alone, insist on her walking on stage un-aided?”

    Her handler’s needed to have her escorted onstage in this obviously ceremonial fashion to give Snopes some debunking fodder when people ask about her being dragged up the stairs.

  11. Via a fb friend’s post:

    American Legion and VFW members talk to each other. A Westchester member i know apparently spoke to someone at Clinton’s American Legion speech. His friend said that she looks unwell. If she is not unwell, then she apparently did not care to make a good impression on her audience

    And as far as either even having her on the premises, I’m surprised also.

  12. I hope she hangs on until the day after she loses the election. The shame and ignominy of losing will be enough to overcome what little health she has remaining.

    We dont want the lying skank croaking on us or stroking out before the election because the Democrat Party will shove some more-electable asshole in there and they’ll get the sympathy vote.

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