Now That Trump Is Gaining Traction, Maybe We Should Talk About Some of the Lies Said About Him – IOTW Report

Now That Trump Is Gaining Traction, Maybe We Should Talk About Some of the Lies Said About Him

Remember when Trump supposedly “threw a baby out of his rally”?

There was a brief moment when Trump imitated the mother, and there was something very familiar about the imitation. It look like a quick short version of when he supposedly “mocked a writer with a disability.”

You can see what I’m saying HERE—->

You’ll see in this next video that Trump does this all the time, irrespective of who he is imitating…

Trump did not mock a guy with a disability. They were simply counting on people never looking up what the NY Times writer looks and sounds like.

When I tuned in I expected to see a spaz with a drool rag and a weird voice.

Nope. The man was a well-spoken man who happened to have a messed up arm and hand.

The hand doesn’t move all that well. So, to imitate the guy you wouldn’t do what Trump did. In fact, the left calling what Trump did an imitation of the dude is the real insult.

The left and the leftRight are despicable.

8 Comments on Now That Trump Is Gaining Traction, Maybe We Should Talk About Some of the Lies Said About Him

  1. Every time she has a seizure and her inability to stand on her own two feet, she mocks the disabled. She makes fun of people with epilepsy and she makes fun of people who needs a cane to get around. She also makes fun of dogs since she barks like one. Fact is she isn’t funny at all. She’s just a mean old hag – a liar as well. I can’t find anything nice to say about her. What a way to start off the day. Ugh!

  2. A civil lawsuit has been filed against Trump for rape in late June. I certainly expect the lowest possible vileness from the dems.

    I’m surprised Harry Reid hasn’t been touting it.

  3. MM,
    HAHAHAHAHAHA. Does the Libtard Left and the and the Libtard LeftRight think that’s going to slow Trump down one little bit? Not a chance in hell. The person filing that frivolous lawsuit had better be prepared or a counter suit.

  4. Number one law of humanity is DemocRats lie. The Left and LeftRight lie. RINOs lie. It is merely part of their demented psyches. They cannot help it. Look where putting Barky in office twice has landed the USA. Worst prezzy living or dead is Hussein Obozo. They lie to themselves and to anyone fool enough to listen to their ranting that Barky is the best ever, and Cankles will be better yet. In times past, this would get them incarcerated in mental institutions, and on the short list for lobotomies. *sigh*

  5. Hillary looks like she is being tormented by the reality of Trump winning the election. Her face has the same agony of somebody who just had their legs cut off. There is no peace in that woman.

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