State Department Given Ultimatum By Judge – IOTW Report

State Department Given Ultimatum By Judge

U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon has given the State Department two weeks to produce the records of Hillary Clinton’s security training or face depositions of State Department personnel. The ultimatum comes as part of a court filing by The Daily Caller News Foundation to discover how much training the former Secretary of State and her staffers received and in what form.




17 Comments on State Department Given Ultimatum By Judge

  1. Getting an itchy trigger finger without reading the linked document isn’t a good thing. I’ve actually changed my mind– if the State Department can’t provide documents within two weeks that prove she received security training, does that let her off the hook because now she’ll have plausible deniability?

  2. Are “depositions” like “detention”? I mean are they on the summoned people’s free time, or do they still get paid? Maybe overtime? Somehow I’m not picturing “double time-and-a-half, and you might want to lie under oath” as much of a downside, for government work.

  3. Re: depositions of state department personnel:

    “On counsel’s advice, I invoke my right under the Fifth Amendment not to answer, on the grounds I may incriminate myself.”

    There, just saved a lot of time and a whole lot more money.

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