der Blasio Thanks Man Who Admits He Hires Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

der Blasio Thanks Man Who Admits He Hires Illegal Aliens


When a Brooklyn supermarket owner admitted hiring undocumented workers for his store — the mayor thanked him.

“Of course you’re running a business and if someone’s willing to work hard for you, you’re going to hire that person,” de Blasio told the man, who was identified on air only as “Thomas in Brooklyn.”

“And you’re giving them a job that they get to feed a family on, and I thank you for that,” said the mayor.

Said the supermarket owner, “A large number of my employees are undocumented workers and, you know, I have to say that, you know, they are hard workers, they do get paid well. Just as a businessman, I’m caught between having these undocumented workers, which I’m not supposed to employ.”

Rather stunningly, de Blasio also said neither the business owner nor the employees should be penalized for what they’re doing — and he called the current rules that govern immigration “ridiculous,” as Crain’s New York and the New York Post reported.

When the caller also asked de Blasio, “How can I protect myself and protect them to continue working for me or continue working for businesses like mine without causing more hardship on them?” — the mayor was mum.

All of this begs many other serious questions. Since illegal immigrants do not have valid Social Security numbers, is this small business owner then not paying his share of Social Security taxes to the government and not paying the required insurances for this employee? Also, assuming there is no Social Security number, is the employee then also not paying his fair share of Social Security taxes and income taxes?


7 Comments on der Blasio Thanks Man Who Admits He Hires Illegal Aliens

  1. HE pays them “well”? He probably pays $7 an hour or so, but the taxpayers pay thousands of dollars a month in EBT, Section 8 housing “benefits”, “free” education, “free” medical care, WIC “benefits”, “free” cell phones, etc.

    That’s one of the worst problems we Americans have today – the taxpayers are unwittingly (or unwillingly) subsidizing businesses that hire illegals because they pay “welfare” with their taxes for these parasites to take the jobs they might otherwise have.

    I have yet to see a “study” that factors in the forced “subsidies” that American taxpayers fork over to cover the cost of these parasitic “immigrants / refugees” that the politicians try to shove down our throats as being somehow “disadvantaged”.

    Something is terribly wrong when criminal invaders receive more “benefits” in any context than actual, American citizens. If this trend isn’t at least slowed drastically in this election (by voting Trump), there will no longer be an America for citizens to love and appreciate in the future.

  2. If you don’t like our laws, just ignore them, and run for mayor while you’re at it, who knows… Come and get your piece of America, while it lasts, we’re almost giving it away for free. Here, just fill out this voter’s ballot…

    @Bubba’s Brother, I’ve missed your comments lately. Good to see you.

  3. Commies, like the one in the White House and this one running NYC, know that laws mean nothing if there is no enforcement. They willingly break laws and then leave it up to someone else to either catch them and/or call them on it. They shoot the odds knowing they will get away with some of it, then they use it as precedent, normalize it and corrupt the system to justify it. Later on as they gain more power no one dares to challenge them for obvious reasons….
    This shit has got to stop!

  4. The left’s manner of picking and choosing which laws they wish to enforce based on their individual idea of virtue is maddening. Then they have the balls to whine about the treatment of various subgroups as unfair. How about the elevation of illegal alien invaders over law-abiding Americans!

  5. @Bubba’s Brother:

    Oy vey, what a raw nerve you’ve struck!

    Recently at work I’ve noticed a big increase in the number of illegal alien clients at work. I’ve vented previously in this space about how astonishingly stupid they are. Earlier this week I had a Dominican lady petitioning for guardianship of her grandson because her son (the child’s father) had passed away. I asked for the son’s death certificate so I could copy it for the files. Guess what she gives me? The deed for the cemetery plot where the son was buried! This meant fifteen minutes of me explaining to her dumb ass what a death certificate is. (Then they wonder why I can only crank out seven petition per shift some days,)

    We are a sovereign nation, and we certainly ought to be able to decide who can and cannot enter. I believe that the only solution to the current crisis is to suspend ALL immigration until we can do three things: A) Secure our borders. B) Figure out a way of vetting potential immigrants–and we can’t vet = you can’t enter. C) Get our economy to the point where immigrants will not automatically be taking jobs away from Americans.

    Oh, and no more benefits to illegals. You should be required to prove that you belong here in order to receive any kind of benefit.

  6. I can’t understand why anyone in NYC would willingly pay any taxes. WTF does this mayor have to do to get himself ‘rubbed out’?

    deBlasio and the feds are putting Al Capone to shame for thinking small.

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