Clinton News Network Bint FACT CHECKS ON THE FLY and Receives Bad News – IOTW Report

Clinton News Network Bint FACT CHECKS ON THE FLY and Receives Bad News

When a guest said that the State Department destroyed Hillary’s Blackberries with hammers she stopped the show to fact check such a stupid claim. She got bad news.

25 Comments on Clinton News Network Bint FACT CHECKS ON THE FLY and Receives Bad News

  1. That is like shooting the horses after escaping the barnyard, considering you will never see them again. Of course they destroyed evidence of Cankle’s treason. That is HOW they roll.

  2. Clintoon News Network apparatchik is modeled after what Pravda used to be. Spewing the party line, regardless of truth or lies. Joseph Goebbels would have been SO proud of her Thighness, Cankles the Fuhrerina, if this were Nazi Deutschland, which it is quickly becoming.

  3. Can’t touch this…Hammer Time!

    I remember a video from Pink Floyd’s The Wall that had walking hammers in it.
    Ironic, The Wall.

    That fact check for the smug, albeit pretty bitch.
    Guarantee if someone said Trump used a chain saw she wouldn’t fact check shit.

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