Today I Learned That One of Our Readers Is a Book Reviewer – IOTW Report

Today I Learned That One of Our Readers Is a Book Reviewer

Lisl has a fantastic blog of book reviews for all you bibliophiles (see, I know words and stuff) out there.

It’s worth looking into.

18 Comments on Today I Learned That One of Our Readers Is a Book Reviewer

  1. I’d rather listen to old time radio shows and movies. I think I have
    6 movie channels now. I don’t watch movies unless they are old, before
    the 50’s.
    Anyone heard of Bold Venture radio program?

    Never heard of it either

    Bold Venture is the radio adventure series starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall that originally aired in 1951-52. Bogart plays hotel and boat owner Slate Shannon, and Bacall plays his ward, Sailor Duval. The two often became entangled in tight situations when hiring their services to shady characters.

  2. I’d rather listen, I listen to XM’s old time radio station channel 148 a lot. I would rather sit and listen to an old radio program than watch most of the crap that’s on TV. I’ve heard Bold Venture before as XM will occasionally play some of its programs. And besides anything with Bogie and Bacall is generally good. Radio still stirs my imagination, TV for the most part makes me a mindless zombie. CBS’s Radio Workshops programs from the 50’s with Wm. Conrad often as narrator and actor are one of my favorite programs, they make me think and are very intelligent, witty and often thought provoking. I’m addicted to Gunsmoke with Wm. Conrad, Dragnet, Yours Truly Johnny Dollar with Bob Bailey although Edmund O’Brien as Johnny Dollar is good too, The Six Shooter with jimmy Stewart, X Minus One and Dimension X which are outstanding radio sci fi programs, listening to I Was A Communist For The FBI with Dana Andrews as Matt Sevetic is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. There are way too many others to list. As far as comedies go I can listen to Jack Benny, Fibber McGee and Molly, anything by Stan Freberg all day long, they’re still as funny as they were when they were first broadcast and far more witty than any of what’s called comedy is today except for maybe British humor. Radio is far more intelligent because you have to listen and the mind is far more involved listening and active than it is with watching TV which is totally passive and mindless. And besides a lot of the best sci fi and programs like Suspense etc. can scare the hell out of me especially at night. Zero Hour, The Screaming Woman by Ray Bradbury are good for doing that, Leningen Verus The Ants On Escape is also especially creepy. I’m a book person first and radio second because I have a very active imagination and fascination with both the written and spoken word.

  3. Well that’s interesting. I do to. My favorite is Boxcars711

    I have it programmed into iTunes and it automatically downloads mixed old radio content every day. I plug in the iPod and go. There are a few sites like that. Bold Venture episodes are part of it and they are one of my favorites. Milton Berle, Dragnet, Night Beat, Night Watch, 21st Precinct, Your’s Truly Jonny Dollar, Richard Diamond, etc are all there.
    I also re-build old radios and have an AM transmitter so I can put the content into the transmitter and listen to it on the old Zenith for instance. It’s like playing around with Time Machines!

  4. Very nice Lisl! And I like the web page layout.

    Still thinking about that advise you gave me about taking that Alaska surveying job. We’ll see what happens election time. 🙂

  5. @Joey Biden: I remember that book too! The main characters were Dick, Jane, and Spot.

    I’ll never forget the most climactic passage:

    “See Dick.
    See Dick come.
    See Spot.”


  6. Great site for book lovers and readers of good books. I will pass it on to my friends. It is interesting how varied and different the followers of IOTW are, and how little we know about one another.

  7. Rat Fink, shouldn’t that be Cum Spot? See Spot and Dot cum, cum Spot cum, where do you think puppies come from? I hated Dick and Jane books when I was a little kid when I was learning to read. Give me Dr. Seuss any day over Dick and Jane, Dr. Seuss made reading fun D&J not so much, look say sucks. Get with it people phonics is the only way to learn to read and write properly.

  8. Thanks for the lovely mention, BFH, and lovely peeps with the bookmarks and such. BTW I’d love to know from curiosity (and along with what Marco said about us not knowing much about each other) what books you all like or are currently reading, or wanna read. Even Spot!

    I’d Rather Listen, I agree about TV being a numbing influence! We have a rule in our house that any movie that has a book, the book must be read first. A couple of times we didn’t realize a film was based on a book, or we found out it had a junior novelization (usually made at the same time as the movie), I’m really lucky in that my son always goes looking for it. He really loves to read too. And funny radio should come up, because I’ve been on the hunt in recent weeks for one of those old fashioned radios for my living room.

    Unruly, really? Will be interesting to see what happens, that’s for sure.

    Thanks again, everybody, hope to see you over there–and of course, here at good ole’ IOTWReport! 😀

  9. I am reading “Everybody Behaves Badly” by Lesley Blume, rereading “The Sun Also Rises” by Hemingway, and just finished “Spain In Our Hearts” by Adam Hochschild. I’m in a Spanish Hemingway kind of mood. Good literature, biography and history have a way of cleansing the mind and putting things in perspective. Whenever I think things can’t get any worse in the world, I just read about the Greeks and the Romans. They lived through everything and experienced all of the same things humans keep repeating without learning any lasting lessons. Every generation has to relearn the same things over again.

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