The One On the Right Used To Be Famous – IOTW Report

The One On the Right Used To Be Famous

In an interesting “Where Are They Now” story, the Daily Caller tracked down a person who was all over the news during the last election cycle.

See who it is Here

30 Comments on The One On the Right Used To Be Famous

  1. The eventual fate of all Useful Idiots.

    Emphasize ‘briefly ” useful.

    I see she’s embraced all those fitness and diet lifestyle tips she got from Lena Dunham.

    What is it with leftist women and morbid obesity?
    That is some serious psychiatric-level eating disorder misery to pack on that kind of life-shortening poundage in so short a time.

    I almost feel sorry for her.
    The way I almost kinda feel sorry for the little Goebbels children at the end.

  2. A name that everyone who doesn’t know about her mispronounces. It’s not “flook” (like the electronics test equipment manufacturer). It’s “fluck”, as in “who gives a flying f##k”. And yes, the second one is her real pronunciation.

    She didn’t sink back into the cesspool she arose from fast enough.

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