Confirmed- Baier, Wallace and Kelly Were Ordered To Take Out Trump – IOTW Report

Confirmed- Baier, Wallace and Kelly Were Ordered To Take Out Trump


Murdoch was not a fan of Trump’s and especially did not like his stance on immigration. (The antipathy was mutual: “Murdoch’s been very bad to me,” Trump told me in March.) A few days before the first GOP debate on Fox in August 2015, Murdoch called Ailes at home. “This has gone on long enough,” Murdoch said, according to a person briefed on the conversation.

Murdoch told Ailes he wanted Fox’s debate moderators — Kelly, Bret Baier, and Chris Wallace — to hammer Trump on a variety of issues. Ailes, understanding the GOP electorate better than most at that point, likely thought it was a bad idea. “Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee,” Ailes told a colleague around this time. But he didn’t fight Murdoch on the debate directive.

On the night of August 6, in front of 24 million people, the Fox moderators peppered Trump with harder-hitting questions. But it was Kelly’s question regarding Trump’s history of crude comments about women that created a media sensation. He seemed personally wounded by her suggestion that this spoke to a temperament that might not be suited for the presidency. “I’ve been very nice to you, though I could probably maybe not be based on the way you have treated me,” he said pointedly.


ht/ rob e.

28 Comments on Confirmed- Baier, Wallace and Kelly Were Ordered To Take Out Trump

  1. The really interesting thing to me about this is the way all the obvious bias has ultimately worked to Trump’s advantage. Most of us were well aware of blatant media bias before this but a significant number of people who don’t normally pay that much attention to current events could hardly keep from seeing it on full display.

    I’m hoping the worthless msm has jumped the shark. It’s starting to look that way.

  2. FUNNY That…how it all comes home to roost in your own nest where you dumped. Murdock is a socialist Aussie and dumbass supreme. I hope he goes broke with his buttbuddy Soros. May they appear in the crosshairs.

  3. That’s why I was shocked at a post here earlier this week about the debate moderators all being leftists except Chris Wallace. There’s not much daylight between Chris and his father, Mike.

  4. After reading this, I’m pretty sure the sexual harassment charges against Roger Ailes are bullshit, too. Come on you chicken shits, someone blow the whistle as well as the whole damn roof off this sellout faux news.

  5. What’s amusing to me is that anyone thought that Murdoch, of all people, was not a part of the MSM. Megan Kelly (“or Kelly Megan”) is not on the editorial board of FNC. The minute she opened her mouth to ask Trump about his views toward women at the first debate was all anyone needed to know about FNC’s loyalties and Murdoch’s role in the anti-Trump/pro-Uniparty/globalist leadership. That, followed by her snarky tweets prior to a later debate confirmed her allegiance. Bret Beier turned out to be a pudgy, smarmy yes-man. Chris Wallace, who at first was genuinely delighted in Trump’s candidacy, turned out to be a no-talent shill, too.

    We’re on to you, Fox. Have been for quite a while.

  6. MSM “news” readers are nothing but servile underlings. There are few professions staffed by more loathsome people. I can’t stand looking at most of them, much less give any consideration to what they read off the teleprompter.

  7. Same as Ten Ten–I really can’t stand Megan Kelly and disliked her even when everyone was foaming at the mouth. But Bret Baier–yes, I thought he would be better than this. I didn’t get to see the whole show, though, did he act as shamefully as the others?

  8. That’s very disappointing. I always tended to think the Murdoch was more interested in the buck rather then partisan politics and as such saw that a conservative news organization would have no competition. If true I wonder whether this violates any of the federal election statutes or FTC regulations.

  9. Who remembers “Good Night Chet” and Good Night David”? Liberals, but
    intelligent ones. Also, my very own favorite, plain and plain spoken, Edwin Newman? And who can forget the greatest weatherman of all times, Tex Antoine, who gave us the weather one night after a report of a rape in Central Park, and said something like it’s a beautiful balmy night and if you’re going to be raped, just lay back and enjoy. He was drunk, of course. And he was also fired.
    Ah the good old days of Television. Oh, Jack Parr got fired for using the word WC (Water closet, toilet) on TV. Wouldjabelieve?

  10. …tell us to kill off all the ‘journalists’ as well.

    No one reading on the teevee researches or even writes their own copy. They are all very overpaid to read what is handed to them. That sum buys their integrity, if they ever had any.

  11. What’s funny is that Fox News’s biggest ratings getters, O’Reilly and Hannity, have been Trump fans from day one. And their ratings benefit from the frequent Trump visits.

  12. Shepherd Smith, surely one of the dumbest of them all, was my first aversion. But I chalked him up to the ‘fair and balanced’ aspect. However, soon I stopped watching the ever growing egotist, Bill O’Reilly, then Ever repetitive Sean Hannity, then I discovered that Kelly was FNC’s Rachel Maddox, cocky, dirt dishing, ‘I’m smarter than you’, reporting, then gave up The Five. Haven’t missed any of them. Two faced, lying, biased, misleading, etc.

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