Another Rant – Geese, The Progressives of the Animal World – IOTW Report

Another Rant – Geese, The Progressives of the Animal World

I hate geese.  Like the worst Occupy Movement protestors they find the nicest open ground and sh!t all over it.  Once they’ve settled on a prime piece of real estate they never leave. Chase them off and they’ll be back when you’re not looking – crapping the hell out of the place.

I’m not the only one who thinks there should be an open season on these defilers of beautiful lawns across the country.



20 Comments on Another Rant – Geese, The Progressives of the Animal World

  1. I know a little about this. At least on the Western Fly Way. Number one the DFG depends on accurate bird counts from Russia to establish limits. Number two the DFG itself can’t count. The limit of two Pin Tail a day after November is a good example because about mid October we are swimming in them. But that’s not the worst. The worst is PETA. They’ve been renting flooded land for quite some time and baiting Water Fowl in. The birds never leave. Plenty of food, good water, why bother. Well Water Fowl pass desease like no other. Next thing you know there’s a shit load of dead or dying water fowl in these rice fields. Anybody from PETA show up? Oh hell know. California DFG used to flush them off these ponds with helicopters. The problem with geese on the eastern fly ways is even worse. But not for long. They are destroying their nesting grounds at an alarming rate. If these idiots can’t figure out hunters are actually conservators there’s no hope for the geese. Hunters are at an all time low. I wonder if PETA will ever be able to figure out the balance

  2. I can only assume you are addressing me. Geese are migratory water fowl. They are not resident. If you want to call me asshole graph your sack and do it to my face. Your statement qualifies you for being classified as a Cruz Fanatic. I guess what I’m trying to say is Fuck off loser.

  3. Years ago we stopped going to a beautiful nearby county park because the geese had fouled it up so bad with their excrement. And the stench, feh…

    Visited it last month and the geese were gone, the place was pristine once more. We’ll start using it again.

  4. Sig94, Goid for your park, bad for the species. Google Hudson Bay Goose nesting Grounds. Full disclosure, I love shooting them. Snows suck, Canadians are alright, but those Specs are tasty. Same breeding grounds that are being destroyed because of PETA

  5. The use dogs to get rid of geese in some of the parks and golf courses in Arkansas. Probably works better than anything else.

    On the snakes, the shovel is my favorite method of killing copperheads. Then I usually pick them up with it and fling them up into a tree. Bird treats.

  6. I agree that too many Canada Geese ruin parks and ponds. There are businesses that one can hire to keep them off property. Can’t hunt them in the cities and suburbs unfortunately.
    Unlike progressives, the geese are excellent parents which contributes to their large population. The flock also has goose sentries that warn them all of danger. Fascinating to watch.
    They use to all be migratory but there are some flocks that have settled down and only fly around locally. With all the lush lawns life got easy for them. Only a very bad winter will send them south.

  7. I don’t begrudge the migratory geese, its the ones that take up permanent residents that are terrible. They bring their offspring up on the lawn, chew down the grass and make a terrible mess. Once they’ve got your property pegged they keep coming back.

    I use to be able to put terror in their hearts when I’d chase them down with my kayak, but the batch this year kept coming back.

    There numbers in this state can’t be in any way considered endangered. They show up with three or more adults to take care of the babies. There should be a summer season to take out a few of the adults.

  8. “I hate geese. Like the worst Occupy Movement protestors they find the nicest open ground and shit all over it. Once they’ve settled on a prime piece of real estate they never leave. Chase them off and they’ll be back when you’re not looking – crapping the hell out of the place.”

    I hate illegals. Like the worst Occupy Movement protestors they find the nicest open ground and shit all over it. Once they’ve settled on a prime piece of real estate they never leave. Chase them off and they’ll be back when you’re not looking – crapping the hell out of the place.

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