Hillary Gets a “Lift” from Her Van – IOTW Report

Hillary Gets a “Lift” from Her Van


The ground transportation used by Hillary Clinton to get from the airport to her next fund raiser appears to have a wheelchair lift. It seems to be a strange choice for the world’s healthiest candidate.

See Here


16 Comments on Hillary Gets a “Lift” from Her Van

  1. I’m not so convinced. That apparatus in the back of the van could be seating for the Secret Service. I don’t see an actual wheel chair near Hillary. Yet.
    I am convinced Hillary will need a walker in the next four years. Do we really want to elect someone President that will need a walker during her term?

  2. Credibility gap in the photos accompanying the story. Two different autos and lift devices shown. Makes Photoshopping probable?

    Even so, Hillary looks like she is dressed in a modified hospital gown. And those pants? Abstract painter Pollock, put her outfit together, I guess.

  3. “Due to President Clinton’s recent revelation of minor health concerns and her resulting very slight disability in executing her sworn oaths of office, the White House announced that in order to preserve the dignity of the Oval Office, at 3 pm today President Clinton will announce that she will suspend the Constitution of the United States.”

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