Young Blacks Skeptical About Clinton – IOTW Report

Young Blacks Skeptical About Clinton

The liberal establishment may have been successful in tainting Donald Trump among blacks, but they’ve done a lousy job of selling their candidate to the young. When even the New York Time starts to be concerned over turnout, you know the left has a problem.


There for the taking by the Trump campaign.


11 Comments on Young Blacks Skeptical About Clinton

  1. “He’s a racist…” said one black woman.

    Fuck you lady. When? Where? How did you come up with that? How come it’s just since he became the nominees is he suddenly a racist? If he ignored blacks, he’s racist. If he reaches out to them, he’s a racist. It’s racist to go into the inner city and speak to blacks. It’s racist to actually walk the streets and talk to ordinary blacks. It’s racist to point out you’re provided 1,000s of jobs to black people. OK, gotcha.

    This is a typical REgressive, spoon fed bullshit by the left dominated media and believing it.

    I appreciate Trump reaching out to black people but it’s an uphill struggle when you’ve got to battle 50+ years of REgressive bullshit being pounded into susceptible heads.

    Love the NYT’s take too. Slam the crap out of Trump to lesson the blow of black skepticism and Oh BTW, Hillary is not doing so well either.

  2. Boy if they aren’t skeptical they aren’t paying much attention. Love the photo. That little girl is looking at the world’s most phony, fake, forced, insincere, and non-genuine smile perhaps in human history. We ain’t buying it either, kid. As soon as the photo op is over, hiLIARy is bit**ing at some assistant for setting her up to have to mingle among the commoners. She likes black people like I enjoy a root canal.

  3. Have you heard this news?
    A federal judge blocked Michigan from doing away with the election booth straight party lever. The judge said doing away with the straight party lever would confuse minorities and cause long lines at the polls.

    Election ballot rules are run by the 49 other states. The feds have no legal standing to dictate state ballot rules. Dictate, that’s a word.

  4. @Zonga, so when those confused minorities pull the lever for Donald Trump, they’ll get a straight line vote for the whole Republican ticket? I hope this bits the left in the ass just this way.

  5. That child has already been given the “done trust whitey” lecture. It wouldn’t matter who she was with.
    Not to say that Hillary doesn’t suck on rancid muslim snatch so vile that the weinermobile had to outsource.

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