God Has Spoken – Trump Will Be President – IOTW Report

God Has Spoken – Trump Will Be President


ht/ Billy Fuster

12 Comments on God Has Spoken – Trump Will Be President

  1. Well that’s just racistry!
    Ain’t no black clouds are there?
    Whitey wants you to believe black clouds are portenditious of disastery!
    Ain’t no white person gonna see no black man in a white cloud!
    Ain’t nobody want to see a black lining on they clouds!
    The whole atmosphericallization of cloudific imagifics is racist.

  2. I saw this on the media, and thought from Esquire? some lefty spreading his fecal content, as always. It is painfully obvious these guys are desperate, and are sucking what is south of the hind teat. Poor little socialists. Boo Hoo Hoo. Go to Cankles and pull your rah rahs on..she needs it. Serenade her in her FDR apparatus (wheelchair).

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