Another violent coughing fit in Cleveland for Hillary – IOTW Report

Another violent coughing fit in Cleveland for Hillary

She always blames it on “talking too much.” You don’t cough when you’ve talked too much.

She’s also said it’s allergies. When did she develop these allergies? In the past few years?

There have been no coughing fits in years past.

Her lame cover joke was “whenever I think about Trump I get allergic.”

Let’s face it, the bitch is dying.


56 Comments on Another violent coughing fit in Cleveland for Hillary

  1. Now that she cannot have her black handler near with the Valium injection she has prob had to have her vagal nerve stimulator turned back on-coughing is a major side effect. Unbelievable how the media won’t ask about this

  2. Healthy people cough uncontrollably all the time, and sound like they have a pint of fluid in each lung, while losing their ability to speak.

    Stop with the conspiracies already.

  3. Man alive she looks like she is ready to expire. Normal human beings would have bowed out a long time ago. hillary is a megalomaniac psychopath narcissist who would bow out only when she dies.

  4. Yes Ted. Healthy people cough uncontrollably all the time. That’s not really true. I know lots of healthy people who never STFU and I wish they would cough, just to give us a break. And what “conspiracies” do you speak of?
    FYI athlete’s foot of the larynx is treatable with modern medicine but, as Dr. Drew said, her doctors are from Arkansas. WSTF!

  5. I hope she puts on this performance at the nationally televised debates. It’s one thing to do this before a select audience and a fawning press who won’t report on it.

    Trump should wear a very spicy cologne at the debates. Lots of it.

  6. Boehnerdickt, Zonga, and Willy’s – you are right listening without visual is instructive. Something is very off – she doesn’t do enough of this to make her this feeble. (Look at Trump’s schedule vs hers…) It’s got to be some illness. I can’t stand to hear her talk, but this makes me believe in Dr. Drew’s assessment. Is this suspension of the race conspiracy theory taking roots?

  7. This administration and the democRats are bought and paid for with Arab money.
    The Obamboozler has his handler named Valerie, The Hillbag has hers named Huma.
    People keep saying the old bitch will pass the batton to someone like Granny Warren.
    Wouldn’t it be funny if Huma showed up on the ticket instead?
    At any rate, if the Hillbag steps down or dies, I’ll betting Huma will not be far away from her replacement.

  8. I love the vapid walrus Tim Kane behind her, like an obedient bobble head slapping his flippers together waiting for his sardine treat. You go Timmy boi. Good boi, good boi.

  9. I’m wondering if there’s any betting going on for her to keel over sometime soon before the election, like in Rat Race? That’s one bet I’ll put money on to show, like a 2 dollar exacta at a horse race, ya know. Haha.

  10. Been to too many rallies, to hear too many people running for office, for too many years . From Nixon when he was Ike’s VP, to Trump.
    I have never heard a candidate this painful to listen to.
    If it weren’t Hillary, I would have felt sorry for her.

    But, The corrupt Benghazi Bitch has earned this violent, convulsive cough and much more.

  11. She has to try to be president even if she dies, otherwise she will have to repay all those entities who bought her presidency and didn’t get enough play while she was SoS. Hey, they might even kill her if she doesn’t die trying to be presy.

  12. Remember how pissed off her people got when everybody made jokes about her using a walker on the cover of People magazine? Now I think they were really worried that somebody had pics of her actually using a walker.

    And Boehnerdict is right; When you listen without video it sounds like a deathbed soliloquy, watery and tremulous. To me, it sounded as if it was almost from the other side sometimes.

  13. Dr. Jay, you mean her brand new, 14-year-old 737 loaner? Better get those hepa filters cleaned. For all we know, that plane was the shuttle to Epstein’s Fantasy Island.

  14. She has a very bad case of Whupped Ass cough. Also known as Whipping Arse cough. Sometimes known as Carlos Danger’s Disease cough. It’s transmitted by Huma contact. It’s very contagious. Hopefully the entire lackey press will catch it and pass it on to their families and friends. After all they are all Democrats.

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