Open Arms Multiculturalism Brings Us So Much… Including Leprosy!! – IOTW Report

Open Arms Multiculturalism Brings Us So Much… Including Leprosy!!

There’s a reason that America became the greatest country. And there’s a reason it’s becoming not so great.

CBS- Parents have been notified that two students at an elementary school in Jurupa Valley had been diagnosed with leprosy.

On Friday, the Jurupa Unified School District sent a letter home to parents, notifying them that the district had received an unconfirmed report that two students at Indian Hills Elementary School had contracted what is also known as Hansen’s Disease.

“First thing I did was I called the school right the way and asked about decontamination, any kind of process, what’s going to be happening,” Vanessa Aniles said. “I was Googling the CDC website.”

Superintendent Elliott Duchon would not reveal who or how the district was notified or even if the two students are related.

But he said the information did not come from a doctor or the Riverside County Health Department, leaving parents, like Lisa Ayala, with many unanswered questions.

“We need to know what’s going on so we can take precaution for our kids,” Ayala said.

The Director of Disease Control for Riverside County Barbara Cole said a school nurse notified the health department on Friday.

Cole said the department needs to run tests and is working on talking to the two students’ parents and doctors. Either way, she said it is unlikely anyone else got the illness.

“Even if we had a confirmed case – and again, stressing these two individuals are not confirmed – the risk of transmission, meaning spreading from those two individuals to other students or staff is very very low,” Cole explained.


ht/ fdr in hell

20 Comments on Open Arms Multiculturalism Brings Us So Much… Including Leprosy!!

  1. Low risk of contamination? In an elementary school? Kids that age are sneezing, coughing, spitting, drooling in close contact.

    Oh. The government said it’s OK? Well then. Everything is just fine. Whew! I was worried there for a minute.

  2. I dated a single mom for a few years with 2 kids in grade school. I’m normally a person who never gets sick, even a cold. Let me tell you, I was knocked on my ass 3 or 4 times like never before in my life.

    But hey, if the CDC(remember ebola will never get here?) says it’s all good, then no sweat.

    Hell leprosy is small potatoes anyway-we’ll have achieved full multiculturalism when smallpox is back so keep those borders wide open!

  3. Every social scientist worth their degree with tell you “diversity” is disruptive. It does not strengthen society.

    Multiculturalism is just another word for “tribalism”

    It’s time to dispense with the progressive p c jibberish that hides their true totalitarian government aspirations.

  4. God only knows what’s crossing our open borders. The US military protects and defends our shores (Coast Guard) and so our military should also be protecting and defending our borders.

  5. I betcha they don’t have leprosy at Sidwell Friends where the Sasquatchettes attend school. It’s so nice that liberals and their crotch droppings are shielded from the consequences of their insanely stupid policies.

  6. World leaders looked at Barry like he had leprosy in that picture yesterday as he stood off to the side.
    He has made America the world’s leper, why shouldn’t people look at him like he’s infected?

  7. what do you call a male leper in a hot tub? Stew

    That is one of the 5 jokes I have. How often do you get the chance to drop a leper joke? Well, with this POTUS that opportunity is becoming more likely…

  8. “Bring us your poor, your tired, your lepers …”

    That, along with TB, Micro-encephalitis, AIDS, Flesh-Eating Bacteria, Ebola, and Antibiotic-resistant strains of everything else ought to make us 3rd World in no time!

    “We are five days from fundamentally transforming America!”

    Now, we’re 8 years past! And millions still don’t get it …

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @Pelopidas: If this isn’t one of your 5, then now you have 6:

    New guy comes to the Leper Colony. He’s instantly in great demand with the women there because his leprosy hasn’t progressed very far, so he still has his, um, – “thingy”. In fact, he is the only guy in the colony who still has one. Never one to miss out on a great opportunity, he decided to start charging for his services.

    The cash started rolling in, and soon he was making more money than he had ever seen in his life. He continued to expand his wealth for over 6 months.

    Then his business fell off.


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