Trump’s Vision For Education v. Hillary’s – IOTW Report

Trump’s Vision For Education v. Hillary’s

Any knucklehead that can sit idly by and not do what they can to stop Hillary and this madness is truly a fecal gherkin.

ht/ rob e.

8 Comments on Trump’s Vision For Education v. Hillary’s

  1. Trump, you need to get rid of Common Core and ALL of its tentacles. Even the states (about 30 of them so far) that have dropped out of Common Core but are still using their ideas (they are just taking back control of the process).

    The whole concept of Common Core is to re-write history to make the patriots look like criminals, indoctrinate the kids on global warming, and get them to NOT question what they are reading. They read articles and then write their essays based on those articles.

    Well, there it is – the articles ARE the problem. If a kid writes their essay based on truth instead of the crap from the article, they get a bad score.

  2. Here is a short list of things they must not be teaching in schools anymore, because nobody seems to know them:

    Manners, slide rule usage, geography, grammar, sentence diagramming, first aid……

    List is much longer but it’s past my bedtime.

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