Where were you, Daddy, when the West lost the war? – IOTW Report

Where were you, Daddy, when the West lost the war?

Do you think Alex Jones sometimes sits around and thinks, “holy smokes, I was right”?

George Soros: Western Society Must Fall Before One World Govt Can Be Established

In the following video, Alex Jones begins by making a general statement in response to a question he’s been asked more times than he cares to count over the course of his professional career. The question always comes from the willfully ignorant, normally in a very condescending tone, and it often sounds something like, “If there really is a big bad secret world government, then where is it, and tell us who runs it.”

Alex’s response is perfect. He says it’s really not a secret who runs the TransPacific Partnership. It’s really not a secret who runs the IMF, and the World Bank. It’s also really not secret who runs the United Nations. These days, the globalists are so over the top and in our faces about what they’re doing, sometimes information is learned that can later appear to have been kept secret, but that’s normally more the result of the public’s limited access to programs inside certain institutions, rather than a deliberate effort to conceal information.   

The insanity of it all, is that the global elite have brainwashed the masses, largely with the assistance of the globalist run mainstream media, to disregard what their own eyes and ears tell them. For example, George Soros admits the he’s been the financial backing to the refugee “crisis” that has brought Europe to it’s knees, and he admits that he’s funding the far-left group Black Lives Matter here in the U.S., but yet anyone that brings up either, is somehow branded a “conspiracy theorist??” Can anyone explain that to me?!?! 

To make matters worse, not only has much of what “conspiracy theorists” claim to be true already been committed to writing and published by the elite (try actually READING in Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030), but there are huge amounts of what  “conspiracy theorists” are warning about


12 Comments on Where were you, Daddy, when the West lost the war?

  1. Gun sales continue to break records, Range time is hard to get, Tactical Training is off the charts, and ammo sales are thru the roof. This isn’t happening for no reason at all. I forgot to add Militia member ship is up 300 percent from four years ago.

  2. Well, Xunior, I was at the barricades, right there on the front line. We were waiting until we saw the white of Saint Constitution Clause’s beard, so the Hidden I-Man could rain heaven fire down from his duly licensed hover platform. Then xer Mom (Praise Be Upon Her) called, to remind me its was my turn to change you, so I had to go home. A few Most Important Election Cycles Ever, some hundreds of Loyal Citizen Good Conduct citations, and dozens of thousands of standing on my own manly feet paying my taxes, later — and here we are, you learning how to be an hero. Now xan up, and make me proud!

  3. An interesting thing about conspiracies…The word “conspire” and its variants has been in common use in English since Chaucer’s time some 630 years ago. Its meaning hasn’t changed in all that time. So, conspiracies must be the result of fevered imaginations, right?

    The OED on “conspire”:

    To combine privily for an evil or unlawful purpose; to agree together to do something criminal, illegal, or reprehensible (esp. to commit treason or murder, excite sedition, etc.); to plot.

  4. @Corona,

    I wouldn’t call it hatred of the middle class, just a very easy target. Sitting ducks. The odd bedfellows of feminism and “Man Up and Get Married!” traditional conservatism, plus the constant pressure from the elites above via Hollywood cultural norms, taxation, faux-patriotism (mil-industrial complex) just leads tens of millions of middle class males off to the slaughter, year after year. Sitting ducks.

  5. Unfortunately for globalists, and even more unfortunate for ordinary citizens, most of what they espouse has been tried in various nations with disastrous results. In the U.S., we learned that we cannot win the war on poverty by giving people money. Wealth distribution leads to two classes of people – a very small class of very rich people, and a whole lot of poor people. Goods disappear. Food disappears. Corruption abounds. Housing is substandard. Crime increases. Religion is banned. The iron boot of big government comes down harder the more people are dissatisfied. We end up with dictators and despots who eventually put their own interests above everyone elses. The world governing body will turn into the EU – nameless, faceless and anonymous bureacrats accountable to no one.

    I wish these were the ravings of a lunatic, but all one has to do is examine the hundreds of countries, nations, empires and societies throughout history (including modern history) that have gone down this path to their ultimate destruction.

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