Leftist “Comedian” Says People Who Don’t Like Hillary Are “Ill-Informed” – IOTW Report

Leftist “Comedian” Says People Who Don’t Like Hillary Are “Ill-Informed”

Amy Schumer, Chuck Schumer’s relative of some sort, who is looking more and more like Honey Boo Boo’s mom with each passing day, says she never met anyone who was against Hillary that can articulate any substantial reasons why they hate her.

“She lied about her email,” she says mockingly.

And? This is an ill-informed unsubstantiated reason not to like Hillary?

What a dumb bint.

ht/ mel

26 Comments on Leftist “Comedian” Says People Who Don’t Like Hillary Are “Ill-Informed”

  1. Hillary lied about her emails. Hillary lied about her destruction of emails. Hillary lied about Benghazi. Hillary lied about Whitewater. Hillary lied about her cattle futures profits. Hillary lied about the Clinton Foundation, and incidentally refuses to divulge those records. Hillary lied about covering up Bill’s affairs and sexual assaults. Hillary was supposedly broke when the Clinton’s left office and is now a multi-millionaire – and she continues to lie about pay for play. She lied about her own support for the Iraq war, and she lied about her support for TPP. Hillary is lying about her health problems.

    If Hillary Clinton was a Republican, I would vote Democrat or Libertarian. She makes Richard Nixon seem like a choir boy, and has accepted more graft than Harry Reid (another career politician who miraculousy made millions while in public office).

    I hope Schumer emigrates to Spain or Mexico or someplace in South America, although her residence there will result in a lowering of the national I.Q. of whatever country she lands in. Hopefully none of these potential future Schumer residences screens for “smarmy, whiny bitch.”

  2. All I can guess about Amy Schumer landing a very lucrative Budweiser commercial deal is that it is a backdoor payoff to uncle Chuck. There must be some pending legislation affecting the beer industry. If I drank bud, I’d quit.

  3. “How does somebody that plain reach her level of notoriety?”

    Cousin of CHuck Schumer.

    Always about who you know and will you push the left’s narrative. She’s been helped along way beyond her skill set.

  4. Saw an article yesterday that Simon & Shuster paid her $9 million for her new book, and it’s flopping big time. HAA HAA The publisher is “disappointed” in sales. They just can’t figure it out.

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