Michigan is withholding Health Status, and its impact on society, of Refugees – IOTW Report

Michigan is withholding Health Status, and its impact on society, of Refugees

The other day I reported on leprosy making a comeback in the U.S.

Where do you think it’s coming from?

The state of Michigan is refusing to release refugee health data to the public unless a Freedom of Information Act request is filed.

Breitbart News has filed a such a request and is asking for refugee health data for the five year period from 2011 to 2015 that includes the percentage of arriving refugees who successfully complete their initial domestic medical screening, number who arrive with active tuberculosis (TB) or are diagnosed with the disease within five years of arrival, and the percentage who test positive for latent TB infection (LTBI) upon arrival. That data has not yet been provided.

As Breitbart News reported previously, the federal government has increased the number of refugees resettled in Michigan year-to-date in Fiscal Year 2016 by 43 percent.

The state cares nothing at all about you and your family.
ht/ rob e.

8 Comments on Michigan is withholding Health Status, and its impact on society, of Refugees

  1. Obama/Jarrett are stampeding as many refugees as they can while they can.

    Why not, out fucking feckless Congrees won’t do shit. Locals are powerless against the Feds. All they have to do is threaten to with hold funding for this or that.

    The cherry on top is that the agencies bringing these refugees in, always under the auspices of some Christian sounding organization, are nothing more then cash conduits for “friends” of the administration.

    It’s a twofer for Obama/Jarrett-they get to change the fundamental aspects of our culture & traditions, along with altering, in their favor, the demographics AND at the same time, pay off some buds who will of course turn around and “donate” to the dems.

    Sickening-rotten to the core. If Trump isn’t planning on a total gut out, entrenched bureaucrats will just wait him out.

  2. Go here and read about the medical process admitting refugees. It employs foreign doctors, can issue a waiver for medical illnesses, and get an agreement to treat from a US doctor, then issue a referral for treatment within 30 days.

    The policy can be summed up in one word “sieve”.

    Of course no medical evaluation at all for entering illegal aliens, I believe immigration status is a forbidden question when registering for school, medical contact. People can lie about immunizations. Oh really?

  3. The whole immigrant thing is a massive voter fraud scheme. The progressives plan to bring in so many migrants that they can stuff the ballot box so long that they can basically eliminate the Republican party. If Hillary’s elected it’s game over for the hard working, tax paying citizen. You’re taxes will be jacked up sky high so they can continue to fund the welfare handout they’re using as bait and most likely eventually bankrupt the country and end up in total anarchy.

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